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We all got to the fair and Talia and I immediately started dragging the boys to every ride we laid eyes on. "Ooh let's go there Ariana said while pointing to a rollercoaster which was HUGEEE.

"OH MY GOSH IMMEDIATE YES!!" I said while grinning and we both practically flew to the ride with the boys sulking behind us. "Come on guys you really wanna go on this ride?" Tyler asked while looking at it and hearing the terrifying screams from people who were on it.

"Umm yeah duhh.." Talia said while rolling her eyes. "Aww what are you scared of the ride ya little mama's boy?" I said while putting my hands on my hips and started teasing Tyler.

"No I'm not" Tyler said "Yes you are" I replied back " No I'm not" he said while turning his head to me "Yes you are" I said back "No I'm NOT" he said taking a step forward "Yes you ARE" I said while taking a step forward "No I'm NOT Ariana" Tyler said while practically being in my

"Umm we're still here you know?" Malachi and Talia said at the same time. Tyler and I turned around to see them grinning at us and having their arms crossed.

"You guys ship US meanwhile you guys are MEANT for eachother" Malachi said while smirking at Tyler. "Well Ari I won't lie you and Tyler would make a great couple" Talia said while smirking as well. "WHAT EWW THATS SO.." I got cut off by hearing a "NEXT IN LINE FOR THE ROLLERCOASTER!!"

Malachi and Talia high-fived and started laughing together. I then said "you know I think instead of going in the rollercoaster witch you Lia I'll got with Tyler" I said while smiling and winking at Tyler and he quickly understood.

"Oh yeah you know I'll go with Ariana and Malachi you get to go with your sweetheart here" Tyler said while crossing his arms. Talia and Malachi looked kinda pissed which was a W for Tyler and I, we then high-fived and started walking.

"Ohh I get it" I heard Talia say we all stopped and looked at her "You wanna go on the rollercoaster with TyLeR" Talia said while mocking Tyler's name. Talia then looked up at Malachi and winked at him. "Well we should let the two LOVEBIRDS go on the rollercoaster" Malachi said while smiling and turning to Talia then they high-fived.

"Oh ha! So this is what you're gonna do? I am SO gonna get back at you for that" I said while walking off and leaving everyone in confusion.


We got on the rollercoaster and Ariana sat with Tyler and I sat with Malachi. "You're not gonna scream like a baby right?" I asked while turning to Malachi and grinning. "Ugh it was ONE TIME Talia I WAS NINE!!" Malachi said while turning to me. I just giggled and looked away.

The ride operator told everyone the instructions and waited till everyone was seated before they started the countdown.


"You wanna hold hands?" Malachi asked me


"It's like you read my mind Mali" I responded with a smile and held his hand and interlocked our fingers and I saw Malachi smile


"I honestly think out friendship is repaired now" I thought to myself while smiling


"You ready Lee?" Malachi asked me with a smile


"Always ready Mali" I said smiling back at him



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