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We had just finished filming the first half of the second episode and we were all exhausted. I glanced at my phone and saw it was 11:25pm. We were all sitting in Millie's car and I turned to Talia.

She was asleep, I smiled then kissed her forehead and laid my head on her chest. "I have an idea" Noah said while sounding half asleep.

"What is it?" Millie lazily turned her head to Noah. "We should have a sleepover at Talia and Malachi's room" Noah said and that instantly gave Millie energy. "Oh my gosh yes!!" She said with a huge smile.

"Malachi you on board?" Noah asked me. "Oh yeah I'm on board" I said back to him. "Talia how about-" Millie paused when she saw Talia sleeping.

"Umm how about I drop you guys off then Noah and I go get our stuff that should give Talia some time to rest" Millie said. "Uhh sure that won't be a problem" I said in response.

TIME SKIP: in the hotel room

Millie and Noah dropped us off and went to get their stuff. I carried Talia in our room she had her arms around my neck and I just smiled. I gently laid Talia on the bed and she pulled me down and now I was laying next to her.

I brushed some hair away from her face and just stared at her and gosh she looked absolutely gorgeous. Talia pulled me closer to her and our noses touched which made me blush.

Talia has such an effect on me that no one else has, whenever I'm with her I feel safe knowing I'm with the person I love. She is absolutely beautiful and I'm so lucky to have her in my life.

"It's rude to stare yk" she said suddenly with her eyes closed. "Uhh what..?" I asked "Don't play dumb you were staring at me" she while opening her eyes and look into mine.

"I-uhh-no I wasn't" I lied. Talia just smiled at me and pulled me into a kiss and I immediately kissed back. After a few seconds we pulled away and just stared at eachother before pulling her into another kiss.

I sat up and Talia sat on my lap still not breaking the kiss. We pulled away and I began kissing her neck and all her sensitive spots. I heard her moan a "I fucking love you Barton" and I pulled away from her neck.

"I love you too Jackson" I said back to her. She pulled me into a rough yet passionate kiss and I kissed back. We pulled apart and I trailed off to her neck and heard heavy breathing above me.

"Ma-Mali.." Talia said "Yess?" I said while teasing her. She struggled to continue talking but then let out a quick "Please don't stop" "Gladly" I said with a smirk.

I smashed my lips onto hers and said in between the kiss "I love you so much mi amor" "I love you to-" she got cut off when we heard a 'click' sound and the door opening.

We snapped our heads to the door and found Noah and Millie standing there with a bunch of stuff in their hands. "Are we interrupting something?" Millie asked.

"Uhh not at all" Talia said while getting off my lap and I just cleared my throat. "Well let's get this sleepover started!!" Millie said.


"I got matching PJ sets for you and Malachi and for me and Noah" Millie said while taking stuff out of the plastic bags she had. "What stores are open this late" I asked her.

"Ehh it was a few clothing stores and 24hour convenience stores" she replied and I just made an "ohh" face. "Alright now go put these on" she said while handing Malachi and I some PJ's.

The PJ's:

"Spider-Man really Millie?" I asked her

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"Spider-Man really Millie?" I asked her. "Hey atleast she didn't get you the hulk pj's!!" Noah said while unfolding his pj's and showing them to me and I just laughed.

"Ok snacks are over there help yourselves" Millie said while walking into the bathroom. I gasped and said "OREOS" and walked towards where Millie laid down the snacks.

I got some Oreos and sat on the bed and started to eat them. Malachi sat next to me and looked at me with puppy eyes. "What's wrong Mali?" I asked him and he looked at the Oreos I was holding and opened his mouth.

I decided to share my Oreos with him. I fed him and he fed me which was really cute. When the Oreos finished I pouted but then Malachi smiled at me and I smiled back.

"You're adorable" he said to me while chuckling, "But you're more adorable than me" I said to him. "Oh really?" He said while holding me by my waist. "Mhm" I replied.

Malachi leaned in to kiss me but was stopped by a "Eww get a room" from Noah. We snapped our heads towards him and saw him making a disgusted face and while Millie was laughing and recording a video.

"Well we already got a room but you guys came here for no reason" Malachi responded back while pulling away from me. "Alright alright now let's do face masks!!" I said.

A/N: Remember this book will NOT have smut because Malachi is a minor and we need to respect that. I will only include some mild kissing scenes which will not escalate to anything but that's it NO smut. Tysm for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!!❤️

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