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I woke up and realized I was sleeping on a floor,I was confused for a bit but remembered I had I sleepover in Talia and Malachi's room.

I glanced over to Talia and saw her laying on Malachi's chest and Malachi playing with her hair. I cringed but saw they were talking about something so I pretended to be asleep to hear what they were saying.

"I can't believe we have one more episode to shoot here then we go back to LA" I heard Talia say. "Yeah but atleast we'll get to see Ariana and Tyler again" Malachi said.

I heard Talia slightly chuckle and I guessed she was smiling. "I can imagine Ariana's reaction when we get back, she'll stick to me and never let me go" Talia said.

I opened my eyes to look at them, I was at an angle where I could clearly see them but they couldn't see me."Heyy I'm not allowing that to happen" Malachi said.

"Don't be a baby Mali" Talia said while stroking his cheek, "I'm not a baby" He replied while brushing some hair out of her face.

"You are" Talia said. "I'm not" Malachi replied while inching closer to her. "You are" she said while inching closer to him. "I'm not" he said back while being inches away from her face.

"You are" Talia said while making their noses touch. "Well I may not be a baby..but you're definitely my baby" after saying that Malachi held Talia by the waist and Talia wrapped her arms around his neck.

The looked at eachother with a fiery passion in their eyes "You look gorgeous" Malachi said to Talia and she blushed in response. I mentally threw up and saw them leaning in that's when I had an idea.

I let out a loud and long groan which made them stop and turn to look at me. I tossed and turned around in the floor like I was possessed. Talia look shocked and quickly rushes to me.

"Oh my gosh Mills" she said while shaking me. I stopped tossing and turning then waited for a few seconds then I screamed bloody murder while sitting up and Noah woke up.

This obviously scared Talia because she was in Malachi's arms who had his arms around her waist and was kissing her to calm her down.

I started laughing and Talia just glared at me with murder in her eyes but then her look softened when she felt Malachi kiss her.

She just stared at me for a few seconds and I stopped laughing, then she started laughing too. "BITCH YOU SCARED ME" she said while play fighting me.

"I'm sorry I was just bored of watching you and Malachi being all over eachother which is gross btw Noah don't do it" I said the last part while turning to Noah who was just annoyed.

"Did you have to scream like that?" Noah asked while rubbing his eye. "Yes..yes I did" I said with a smile.


"Well im gonna go shower and maybe you guys can pick something we can do before we get on set" I said to everyone while getting my stuff.

"Sure we'll think of something" Noah said to me, I nodded and went into the bathroom.

After the shower:

Your fit:

I came out of the bathroom and saw Millie,Noah and Malachi arguing

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I came out of the bathroom and saw Millie,Noah and Malachi arguing.

"IM GOING IN THE BATHROOM AFTER TALIA" Millie screamed. They were seriously fighting over a bathroom?! Pha-lease.

"Uhh no I'm going" Noah said in response, "I'm her boyfriend so it's logical if I go next" Malachi said while throwing his hands in the air.

I leaned against the doorway and folded my arms just to listen to them. "Hell no you do NOT get to use the boyfriend card" Millie said while pointing to Malachi.

"It's valid because-" Malachi paused when he realized I was at the door but pretended he didn't see me. "Because I'm her boyfriend" he said while getting closer to the bathroom door.

Millie and Noah noticed this and they saw me standing by the bathroom door. They looked at each other then me then eachother then bolted for the door.

I moved out of the way and Malachi won. "HA! LOSERS!" He yelled while closing the bathroom door. "CHEATER" Noah and Millie yelled in unison.

"Sooo..." I said while sitting on the bed grabbing Noah and Millie's attention. "Wanna go to the mall?" I asked them and I swear their faces lit up.

"YES IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION" Millie screamed and I just laughed. "Alright we'll go once we finish getting ready and when your evil boyfriend gets out of the bathroom" Noah said while rolling his eyes.

"I HEARD THAT!!" Malachi yelled from the bathroom. We all gave eachother a look then burst out into laughter.

A/N: I was supposed to upload this yesterday but didn't get the chance so I made it a bit short so y'all could have an update but I'm gonna post a proper chapter later. Tysm for reading don't forget to vote and comment!!

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