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I had sweat on my forehead and I suddenly woke up. When I woke up I realized i wasn't in the skate park but in Ari's bed.

"What the.." i say in confusion,but all the noise woke up Ari and she sat up and turned to me. "What's wrong Lia?" She asked me while rubbing her eye.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT'S WRONG IM BLEEDING FROM MY ARM!!" I scream in her face. "Umm Lia are you ok? You're not bleeding anywhere.." she says to me while furrowing her eyebrows.

I look down at the spot I THOUGHT i was bleeding on but... nothing, nothing was there.. no blood or anything. "I swear to you I was bleeding Ari.. I-I'm telling you the truth!!" I say hoping she'll believe me.

"Ok calm down've been sleeping this entire time and it looks like you had a very stressful dream because you had sweat on your forehead which is quiet rare considering the fact you never sweat and and You.." i cut her off.

"Hold mean to tell me I've been sleeping this entire time?" I ask her. "Yeah you have" she replies to me. "Wait did we go to the skate park and the fair..?" I asked Ariana. "No we just stayed home today and watched gossip girl.." she said to me.

"I swear Ari I'm not tripping I'm telling you it was real.. e-everything and everyone was real!!" I scream. "Ok calm down Lia and tell me what happened" I look at her dead in the eyes and with a stone face and a cold hearted tone I say "i dreamt about HIM"

"Oh no" she said back to me

A/N: helloooo everyoneee!! This is kinda a short chapter but I kinda wanted to make it spooky yk? But anyways i Hope you'll enjoy my story and this is my first time writing so ignore it if it's bad🥲🥲

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