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It's been weeks since Talia,Ariana and Millie found out the truth about Violet. They've been silently watching her every move and collecting evidence against her.

This time they were all at Ariana's house hanging out together. Talia and Malachi were cuddling with eachother on the couch.

Ariana and Tyler were on the floor, Millie and Luca on the couch and Violet and Noah On the floor.

Talia looked at the time at it was 4:25pm. "Oh guys we have to go on set soon" Talia alerted Millie,Malachi and Noah.

"Oh well let's go I guess" Malachi said. Talia got off Malachi because she was hugging him and kinda on top yk?


Talia and Malachi both got off the couch and Millie and Noah got up as well.

"Ok guys we have to go but see you later!!" Millie said bidding her goodbyes to everyone. Everyone else said their goodbyes and left the house.

Talia got into Malachi's car and Millie got into Noah's.

Talia sat in the front seat with Malachi and buckled her seatbelt. Talia looked at Malachi who adjusted his car seat because Talia had driven the car a few hours ago.

Talia chuckled a bit seeing her boyfriend struggling with the car seat. "What are you laughing at?" Malachi asked Talia

"Oh nothing just looking at you being cute as always" Talia said with a smile. Malachi looked into her eyes and smiled seeing her warm smile.

He has always admired Talia when she eat,sleeps,talks,laughs,smiles EVERYTHING. He absolutely loved Talia and he wasn't going to let anyone get in between their love.

The couple stares at eachother with pure love in their eyes. Malachi tucked some hair behind Talia's ear.

"You look so cute like this" Malachi said to Talia which totally caught her off guard. She turned red and chuckled a bit.

"Aww you're blushing" Malachi laughed which made Talia blush even more. The couple looked at eachother completely hypnotized by eachother.

They heard a 'HONK!!' beside them. They whipped their heads and find Millie and Noah in their car.

"COME ON LET'S GET A MOVE ON!!" Millie yelled from inside the car. Malachi started his car and whispered into Talia's ear.

"We'll continue this later" Talia turned even more red if that's even humanly possible and Malachi just laughed.

35 minutes later

They had all arrived on set  and parted ways for hair and makeup.

Talia got into her trailer and greeted Lauren who was sitting on the couch. "Hi Laury!!" Talia said with a smile.

"Hi Talia!!" Lauren said while getting off the couch. The production team managed to get Lauren to come to LA to do Talia's hair and makeup which was something she was happy about when she found out.

"Ok what are we doing today?" Talia asked Lauren while her hair and makeup tools ready

About an hour later

"Ok done!!" Lauren said while standing to the side so that Talia could properly look at herself in the mirror.

"Wow Lauren this looks incredible" Talia said while slightly touching her hair and makeup. "No problem!! Ok now go put this on" Lauren said while handing Talia the outfit.

Talia went into the dressing room and quickly changed into the outfit she was given.

The outfit:

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