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We left all our shopping bags in Millie's car and headed to our trailers. "Bye guys I'll see you later!!" I said while waving to them and walking into my trailer.

I walked in a saw Lauren on the couch, she looked up and saw me then immediately smiled. "Hi Laury!!" I said while approaching her for a hug.

"Hey Talia" She said while getting off the couch and hugging me. I broke the hug and asked "How are you today?" Lauren sighed.

"Mm not good" She said while getting her makeup and hair tools. "Well is it bad?" I asked her concerned.

She sighed and looked down but I noticed her smiling and I started smiling too. "Sooo you gonna tell me?" I asked her.

"Ok ok fine there is SO much drama I have to tell you about and I can't tell anyone because I just don't trust people enough" she said and I smiled even harder.

"Aww you softie you trust me?" I said to her and she smiled "With my LIFE!" She said while a bit of excitement. "Ok so let me start from the beginning" she said while getting some primer.

Time skip:- After Lauren was done

"And she had the AUDACITY to say I was the one who made them break up!!" Lauren said while flopping onto the couch.

I was just sitting on the floor cross legged and munching on some M&M's. "No fucking wayyy" I said while setting my M&M's aside.

"Yeah it's one hell of a story" Lauren said while running her fingers through her hair. "So to sum up what you told me you were in a friend group with 3 other people including your ex bestfriend, and the two other people in the group wanted your ex bestfriend and her new boyfriend to break up so one of them could get him for themselves" I asked

She nodded and I continued "So they successfully managed to break them up but made all the situations look like you caused them and your ex bestfriend thinks that you are the one who broke them up?" I asked again.

"Yep that's pretty much it" She said to me, "Damn I'm so sorry Laury" I said while sitting next to her and rubbing her back.

"Ok enough about me youuu have to get on set soon" She said while getting off the couch. "Ok here's your outift" she said while handing it to me.

"Thank you so much Laury" I said while taking the outfit and going into the dressing room to put it on.

The outfit:

The outfit:

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The hair

The hair

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