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We had just finished filming the first episode of the show and we were all exhausted.

"Damn now that wore me out" Noah said while flopping onto the floor while everyone else just laughed.

I groaned "Even laughing makes me feel tired bro" I said. "It's kinda late" Malachi said while looking at the time. "WANNA GO TO THE BEACH?!" Millie randomly said out of nowhere.

"YES OH MY GOODNESS IVE BEEN WANTING TO GO FOR A WHILE" I said while jumping up but immediately fell to the ground beside Noah. "We'll go after my legs get some rest" I said while sighing.

TIME SKIP (I'm so lazy)

We all arrived at the beach and it looked beautiful with the moon illuminating it. We got out of the car and Malachi held my hand as we walked on the sand with the cool breeze in our hair.

We laid a towel down and we sat on it then Millie and Noah did the same.

"LETS GO INTO THE OCEAN" Noah said while getting up and running to it.

"Yeah let's go!!" Millie said while running behind him, I wanted to go too but Malachi tugged on my hand signaling that he wanted me to stay.

Millie noticed I wasn't coming and she said "Yo you guys aren't coming??" She asked while approaching us. "Nahh we'll join you later" I said while turning my head towards Malachi.

"Ooh okay I see what you wanna do.. I'll leave you two lovebirds to it" she said while grinning and wiggling her eyebrows.

"Wait it's not like that" I said but she already ran off she screamed and said "Don't make any babies!!" And Malachi just snickered at her comment.

I turned to him, "Why did you want me to stay?" I asked him. "Because I wanna talk to you about something" he said while blushing and looking down.

"Oh ok well you can tell me anything" I said while smiling at him. "Gosh you're so perfect" He said quietly. "Wait really?" I asked him. "Yes you are literally perfect Talia" he said back to me.

"I love everything about you Talia your long caramel brown hair,your beautiful dark brown eyes,your cute nose and your rosy pink lips. Oh my goodness Talia you're perfect I'm crazy about you, you drive me insane and I've never felt this way for anyone before" He said to me and I was shocked but just kept quiet to let him continue.

"Talia look I know it's too soon for me to say this but I love you" He said and I gasped "I love you Talia and I even think that the word love can't describe how I feel about you, I love you so much Talia Andrea Jackson I love you to the point where I would do anything FOR YOU I would kill FOR YOU, I would die FOR YOU and I would take over the world if it was for you" Malachi said while looking deep into my eyes and he looked absolutely mesmerizing under the moon light

I sighed "I can't even find the right words Malachi.." I said to him "Oh so you don't like me back.." he said in disappointment.

I kept quiet for a few seconds "Malachi.." i paused "I don't like you back or love you back.." I said and I swear I saw tears forming on in his eyes "The truth is that I'm OBSESSED with you" I said while giggling and Malachi sighed.

"Don't every scare me like that Talia" He said to me while smiling and wiping the tears away. "Malachi I love you too I wanna skip the part where we say I like you and oh I think I like you too.. no I just wanna tell you straight up that I love you more than anyone or anything and I would be more than happy if I called you mine and you called me yours" I said while smiling at him.

We both smiled at eachother then connected our foreheads together.

"I love you Talia Jackson"

"I love you too Malachi Barton"

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