Cordelia Benham a 16 year old girl gets reaped into the Hunger Games. Cordelia was left to fend for herself and her little siblings when both her parents died.
"That's Cordelia Benham and Finnick Odair right?" ┊"Yes, She won he games at 16 in...
They took my siblings away from me a little bit ago and I have been just sitting on the small couch, waiting to be taken to the train.
I hear the door knob turn and I see a Peacekeeper walk through the door. "Time to go." He says. I stand up and walk behind him. I take this time to look around the Justice Building and the outside.
I've never been past this area because of the fence that stops us, but I can see the hill that leads to the small meadow I always go to when I need a break. I look back and watch the District that I grew up in. The only home I ever knew. The home I might never see again.
I watch the large group of District 4 citizens walk back to their houses, no doubt going to celebrate that their relatives weren't picked for the games.
I see Maisy and Casp hanging on the fence with tears still streaming down their faces as they watch me walk toward the car that will take me to the train. They can't do that. That could get them in trouble.
The Peacekeeper pulls my arm because I stopped. I look back at my siblings that I might never see again and blow them a kiss before I get pushed into the car that will bring me to the train that will bring me to my imminent death.
When I get into the car I see Adrian on the far side from me and in between us is Winnie. "You will see just how amazing it is on the train." She says, happily.
I don't respond when she talks. The only thing I can think about right now is how I might not ever see my siblings again.
I might never see Casp get a girlfriend, never see Maisy laugh or smile again, never see Maisy or Casp get married.
I have never been so motivated to win something in my life, but if I want to win then I might have to kill the young boy sitting no less than one foot away from me.
Once I step foot on the train I look around and look at the interior. It's way fancier than the Justice Building in 4.
Mahogany tables, light blue curtains and throw pillows and blankets, and sandy colors around the room, most likely because we are the fishing district. I look to my right and there are some comfy looking chairs.