Cordelia Benham a 16 year old girl gets reaped into the Hunger Games. Cordelia was left to fend for herself and her little siblings when both her parents died.
"That's Cordelia Benham and Finnick Odair right?" ┊"Yes, She won he games at 16 in...
I wake up to Finnick softly shaking me. I don't want to get up. If I get up that means I have to face my fears and go into the games.
I haven't seen my siblings in the longest time and I don't want the last memory I have of them to be them crying. I get out of bed and I walk out to see Cody standing there.
Since Cody is technically my mentor and Finnick is Adrian's I have to walk with Cody. The walk to the aircraft with Cody is silent up until I get to the landing pad for the plane.
"You'll do good kiddo. Win for your sister and brother." Cody whispers in my ear. I nod and turn to Finnick. I give him a tight hug.
"Remember. Fight for yourself. Casp. Maisy. And me." He whispers to me. I nod.
"Forever?" I ask
"And Always." He smiles.
I turn around and walk to the hovercraft with Adrian by my side. We sit down in our seats and a Peacekeeper walks up to me with a needle.
"Give me your arm." The peacekeeper says. I stick out my arm.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Your tracker."
He walks away from me and goes to the other tributes in the plane. We take off and I think we are in the air for maybe an hour, but it could have been longer.
When it's time for us to get off the hovercraft I see Tigris waiting for me. She stands by the door. When I get to her I expect her to be cold towards me like she always is, but instead she gives me a hug. After we hug we head toward where I will be going into the Hunger Games.
We are in a nice place with a couch, food and a shower. Tigris points to the shower telling me to go. I take a quick shower making sure to savor it because it could be my last one ever or for a while.
I walk out and I see Tigris with my clothes. I put them on and it looks kind of like my training clothes. It's a pair of leggings and a compression tee-shirt. The shirt is a light green.
I put on the outfit and Tigris says, "It's a light material. I would suspect a warm to hot arena. If it's a really hot arena you can use a knife to cut off the pants and make them into shorts, but you need to stay out of the sun and make sure you don't get any kind of burns." I nod. That's the most I think I ever heard her say. "Come sit. I need to do your hair."
I sit down as she pulls my hair into a slick back pony. She braids it into a fishtail braid. "I noticed you don't have a token so I chose this piece of rope for you. Maybe it will remind you of home." She says in a small voice. I nod and she ties it around my hair.
"60 seconds till launch." a robotic voice comes over the loudspeaker.
"Eat a piece of toast and drink some water. You don't know the next time you will eat or drink."
I walk over and eat some toast and drink a glass of water.
"10 seconds till launch" the robotic voice says again. Tigris leads me over to the tube in the middle of the room and the moment I step in it, it closes. I look at Tigris scared and she just puts her hand on the glass.
I put my hand on hers, but when the tube started to rise I let go.
I lift up into the arena and get hit in the face with heat. My eyes adjust to the sun and I look around the arena. It's a desert. I look to see if I can see John or Adrian. I see John, but no Adrian. He must be on the other side. I look over to John and he's already looking at me. I nod and we both know that we are going to try and get into the cornucopia.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the 68th annual Hunger Games." We only have 60 seconds.