Cordelia Benham a 16 year old girl gets reaped into the Hunger Games. Cordelia was left to fend for herself and her little siblings when both her parents died.
"That's Cordelia Benham and Finnick Odair right?" ┊"Yes, She won he games at 16 in...
Light coming in from the large window in my room wakes me up. My eyelids flutter open and I look over to see Finn already up. He is propped up on his elbow staring directly at me.
"Don't you know it's weird to stare at people?" I ask him, a smirk on my face and a brow raised.
"I know, but it's hard not to stare when you have someone so beautiful in front of you." He says.
My mouth gapes before I shut it quickly. I feel the heat rising in my cheeks. I turn away to hide myself from him. He gently grabs my chin and turns me to him. "Don't get all shy on me now, Delia." He says, smirking. "This is the first time you haven't talked my ear off since the first time we met."
"I've been quiet for many times we have hung out." I scoff.
"Sure you have, princess." He says, winking. He gets up and leaves to go to his room.
I watch him leave unable to move. I snap out of it and quickly get up and wash off my body with the sea smelling body wash that reminds me so much of home.
I do my hair into two small braids in the front of my hair that connect in the back to make it look like a crown. I leave the rest of my hair down and wavy.
I walk out of the bathroom and pick out some clothes. I guess I have to go for the sweet but scary look so I picked a pink crop top with black jeans and black sneakers that I found.
I walk out of my room and head toward the table that has every breakfast food you could want. I go to sit next to Adrian and fill my plate with some bread with jam and an orange.
Finnick is looking at me telling me to put more on my plate, but I never really eat a lot because all of the food that I get for my family goes to my siblings.
Cody starts to talk to me about strategy while Adrian listens in. "Alright, we have no idea what this year's games are going to be like. They could be freezing, scorching hot, or mild. I doubt they will pick in between those. You're going to need to learn how to find water and how to start a fire." I nodded. "I like how you decided to go with the sweet look, kiddo. It makes you more likable." I smile. I don't think I have had someone call me kiddo in a while.