Cordelia Benham a 16 year old girl gets reaped into the Hunger Games. Cordelia was left to fend for herself and her little siblings when both her parents died.
"That's Cordelia Benham and Finnick Odair right?" ┊"Yes, She won he games at 16 in...
The past 2 days have been fine. I've been working my ass off with the training. I've learned how to find edible plants, how to find water, which I learned back in 4 I just needed a little more help, and how to fix an infection.
Throughout these 2 days I have also tried to get to the knives. I got to them once then I heard Silver and Opal heading my way and I had to leave. I also kept working on my bow skills with John. He's not bad, but don't tell him I said that. I asked him to be allies the second day.
Today is the day I work with Cody, Finn, and Adrian. I get to finally work fully with knives and I am super excited.
I wake up before Winnie comes and knocks on my door and gets my training clothes on and heads to the table which is full of food.
I grab some toast and orange juice. After I eat I head to the training room inside of the penthouse. I spot the knives the second I walk in. I haven't touched knives since the day before reaping day, which was like a week ago.
I grab the knives and spin them around in my hands. I see the board and throw it dead center. I look around the room and see some dummies and set them up in a line.
There are 5 dummies in a line and I get my knives ready. I throw the first one right in the head, the second in the throat, third in the forehead, and the last two I decide to have some fun. I spin around and throw the last two knives right in their foreheads.
A slow clap comes from the door. I turn to see Finnick. "Good one Dels. Didn't know you could throw that good." He says smirking. He knows damn well how good I could throw. He's seen me do it before.
"That was my reaction when I saw someone had sent you a trident. I mean you can't wield that for shit." After I comment he holds a hand to his heart as if he was actually hurt.
"Come on Dels. You know exactly what I can do." He whispers in my ear. My ears and cheeks turn a bright pink. Why do his words have such an effect on me?
He laughs when he sees my flustered appearance. "It's not funny." I say with a pout.
"It's really funny." He says with a smirk. He takes his hand and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. "I wish you could see you through my eyes to see just how beautiful you are." If I wasn't flustered then, then I am now.
"How about some hand to hand combat?" I ask.
Finn smirks at me and holds his out in front of him bowing and says, "Lead the way, princess."