Season 1'- 1

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I shout towards the man bleeding on the ground. My father whose state had been reduced to nothing. Naked and bare. His slim figure and pale skin having marks and bruises decorated on them.

"You can't die on me."

I stared at the villainous man who had been torturing my father. He had his hand grip tight around my father's blonde hair.

His large member dangling with some things leaking. My father bit down on his lips angrily.

"You bastard I won't give in I would rather die."

The villain slapped his face amused and smirking.

"Your ego and pride should have been shattered after these 5 years yet you remain strong. I guess you weren't the hero for nothing."

He chuckled. My father frowned spitting on his face. The villain smiled again staring at me. He turned my fathers neck in other for him to glance at me.

"Look. That's our child. A female child with black hair. And your rainbow eyes. To think this is the sight she sees because her father is being hard headed."

I could see tears drip down from my father's eyes.  His face darkened. I had a hard lump in my chest but I couldn't do anything but smile so as to not raise suspicions.


My father didn't respond.


The villain left throwing my dad on the floor. He took his robe and went off locking the door behind him.

I trembled staring at his red eyes that glared at me before he left.


I ran all the way to my father who was trembling and weak. His sickly body that I had been taken care of since I was born.

"I am sorry Abby."

"Shh father don't talk."

I held his body as a spark of white light started healing him. I cried with tears in my eyes.

This is the fourth life I had lived and every life before this was worse than the last.

My father who lie here used to be the hero of tales. Defeating every demon out there till he caught the eyes of the villainous demon king.

Unfortunately for father who was weak at the time he was abandoned by tales and was brutalized badly. He was then used as an offering to the demon king and now he lives here been batted and bruised and raped by many entities

I held my father's hand. An hour had passed and no one had proceeded to the room. It meant that the demon king was taken pity.

Meaning my plan can proceed.

In all my life's I had tried to free dad but each time I failed worse than the last. The problem wasn't how hard it was to escape but how inlove the demon king was with my father.

'Abusing the man you are inlove with to the point of near death is crazy.'

I shook my head. I had to save my father. I could cure his injuries on the outside but not the ones on the inside. I want him happy. Joyous like the very first day I was born.


I turned to see a slim figure heading towards me. Father was beautiful and feminine. From his beautiful figure to his pale skin. His sunlight blonde hair and rainbow eyes. His rosy pink lips and his kind heart.

I smiled.

"Dad you should be walking you are not in the best condition."

He took me in his arms. I had a clearer view of his face and could notice tears.

"Don't worry father."

I held his cheek. I knew he was doing this all for me. He could have escaped but he couldn't escape with me as I have demon blood. Which can be tracked by anyone.

"I would save you."

I assured him.

He smiled.

"Your only 4 how would you do that?"

I have no idea.  But I am determined to save you. From what I know of this world as of now. Tales is in trouble because the bastard is killing all those who betrayed his beloved.

The problem is the only way to free father is by making the villain fall out of love with him.

'That's gonna be hard but anything for father.'

First I need to get father out of this cell and to a better room meaning I have to please that villain bastard somehow.

"I am so pathetic. How can I call my self your father. I used to be so strong but now I am to week to even stop the ogres."

I held my father's cheek. If not for those tales guys my father wouldn't have been here.

"But I am happy I am here because I was able to give birth to the sweetest thing ever."

I frowned. I remembered almost dying in my first life causing my father to self destruct and run mad enough to kill the villain the problem was that he died after from overflow of mana leaving me behind,

"I am glad to be with you to daddy."

I kissed his cheek jumping down from his hands. I took my father towards the mat on the ground which we lie and placed his head on my lap.

"Sleep father you need rest."

"I can't sleep till you sleep."

"It's okay father. Shhh"

I became the daughter of the gay male lead.Where stories live. Discover now