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I got into the classroom. There were only ten children there all with dark hair and brown eyes. Extra's. They were sat at thier desks witing for the teacher. I had forgotten. anyone apart from those important to the plot only did things roboticicly. Meaning teachers, neihbours and even students. 

I sighd taking my seat. chool was already boring and i was worried. Worried about the father i left home alone. A man came into the room and besides him a little boy and girl. Twins. They had dark blue hair an green eyes. Very unique features. My eyes darted to them as the teacher walked them to thier seats. 

Dark blue hair and green eyes. Light tanned skin and long lashes. tey looked around my age. 

'Who had light blue eys in the novel.'

I wondered. they took thier seat besides me and my eyes never left them. The boy was timid and the girl looked angry holding her brother. 

"Ah we have three new students. Charlotte abigris. And the children of the duke wo are only going to stay till thier father is done with work. Ayra Mpoke and Desmond mpoke. Please make sure to welcome them well during thier stay."

My mouth dropped. THe duke of the north. A man all about work who never had time for anyone. He made an appearance in the book but all he did was admire father from afar. Due to his work load he never even came ut from the north unless it was urgent. 

The north is located close to the place monsters come from so its always eroded. Because of tht the north has few people. 

"What at you looking at."

Ayra asked.


I responded back. She frowned.

"Okay then look away."


I could still feel daggers pierce through my head. the teacher went on with introductions. 

"Power assesment would happen with all new students tommorow. Please tell your parents. School is over alrady."

"Ou you."

Ayra called out to me after class. I held onto damos's hands turning towards her. Her face still in a frown as she held onto her brother. I saw her eyes dart towards damos. Her face elvated a bit and she just stared at me. It seems she thinks were indred spirits. In the novel the duke was said to have two kids. But the novel ended where The male leads daughter died in his womb.

"We are also going the way you are goin. Ftaher lives around there."

My jaw dropped.

"You mean westwood?"

"Yes. The monsters have increased around the border so he is living there. Why? Your face looks like you have something to hide."

Not something but someone. Ftaher was at home but it didn't mean he didn't come out. I begun walking quickly in hope that father wasn't outside. But I was to late. A monster was disintegrating on the floor and the duke staring at a squatting father. My heart began to beat rapidly.

"This power. Are you not the fallen hero of tales."


Radeus sighed sitting on the dining table. He was all alone. Removing the fact his daughter was out of reach. He was anxious. His power was returing at a rapid pace but even as it was he was still anxious. Anxious to be found. Anxious that his daughter would be killed because of his past naiviety.

It had come to his realization. That if his daughter was not born all the things he had gone through he would have thought he deserved it. But he didn't. It kept him up at night now even more often. His past mistakes crawling bavk to him. Even the escape was his daughter's plan. He was still weak. His daughter walking on pins every day for his sake.

He went outside a bit to practice. As the hero right from birth, he was trained every day. His body could still remember the feeling of his training. The feeling of fighting. The feeling of his hatred with he buried right from young to avoid completely breaking. Now that hatred he would use to protect his family. His daughter and his daughter's friends.

"Hmm are the monsters still coming?"

The Duk stood with his hands together. His light tanned skin as he stared down on the cliff towards the village. He had gotten many reports on sightings on the monsters. He sighed deeply. He had so much work to do the monsters were a it of the many.

His short blue hair was slicked back. His light green eyes glimmered with the snow. He had a huge build and his muscles protruded from his knight garments. Scars on his face yet it was chilled and symmetry. He jumped down from the cliff and began taking a walk.

The place was as different as he thought. He still couldn't believe people lived in the north. He smiled walking past the farmers and noticed a strange face. A woman. Her long orange hair made her pop from the brown hair. She was holding about 50 pigs in her hands. He became impressed.

"Even normal knights cant carry that much."

He walked towards the farm master as he smiled. The master bowed but he dismissed him.

"Who is she?"

He asked. The master smiled.

"That woman. She just came a few days ago with her husband and kids. Really beautiful bunches. Heard she is a runway noble. Yet has strength of 50 men."

He stared at her as she began moving a tractor.

"Impressive. But why is she here and not at home."

"Her husband is very weakly so he stay home helping the children. Very beautiful family."

Huh? He rubbed on his chin. He heard not long that the Hero had escaped from the demony but it would have been harder to make it to the north in three months than in a few days. He shook his head heading to the woman.

"And you are."

When she turned, he noticed her eyes had two different colour or one overlapped with the other but he concluded she had special eyes. She bowed noticing his crest. He dismissed her.

"I am Diane. I just arrive. Blessing to the duke."

She praised. She had forgotten her name. The duke seemed pleased and left her to do her work. He wanted to see if he recognized her as a noble but no person came to mind. He began to walk even more. Just then he noticed a man waving a stick.

The man had long black hair that reached his waist. He noticed his sickly-looking pale skin as he waved it around.

'Those movements.'

He could recognize them after working with him for some days. The hero of the norths technique. No it was to rusty to be his techniques. But the man moved with poise. The duke admired his movements that he hadn't noticed the monster that crept on him. Like he was in a trance.

Radeus felt an unsettled feeling in him as he almost concluded his training. The feeling of a monster. He turned around noticing a man staring at him but before he could feel ashamed he jumped towards the monster behind the man and attacked it in a single blow. He sighed staring at the monster infusing it with pure magic as it began disintegrating.

The duke stared at him in awe. The pure magic. Felt even purer than popes and he was very sensitive to magic. Even more sensitive than the king. He could tell.

'This magic.'

"This power..."

Radues trembled staring at the man behind him with a big build. He noticed him immediately and he was the last person he wanted to see out of any other human who lived. The Duke of the North. Signiney Amoke de tales. The man with the third most pure magic among humans.

"Are you not the fallen hero of tales?"

I became the daughter of the gay male lead.Where stories live. Discover now