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Abby ran up to her sweaty dad who was training with maki. He smiled holding her up in the air.

"Abby how was school today."

She laughed.

"School was great daddy."

He held onto her. He was sticky but so was she. He assisted her back to the room sighing. She smiled explaining her day as he listened. Something he always wanted a family. He at times imagined himself with his father like this but it was all a Faldo hope situation. He had his daughter now. His own family. His happy place. Seeing her talk and laugh made him forget all the horrors he endured. If only he had her earlier he would have escaped with her. He forgot he was a man of destruction as his daughter saved him during those times.

"Dad can I ask you something?"

He gently removed her disguise and her full plump face revealed. She was beautiful. His heart started to race in fear. Because he was beautiful those horrid this happened to him. He had to protect Abigail. He had to protect her.

"Ask away princess."

She smiled.

"Do you know of the where about of that knight?"

The moment she said that his heart dropped. The knight. One of the darkest moments in his life. After being torn to shreds and healed. His body began to tremble. Abby noticed and became horrified but it was different this time. Readies was over it. Though he still felt the pain of the past he was over it. He was startled as he realized he also needed to protect his daughter from that knight.

After he escaped he never saw the man again. Never till now. It always haunted him. Not being able to see him.

"No I don't think I have. Abby did you see him?"

Abby shook her head.

"Just incase. I have to protect you dad."

He laughed. A subtle laugh. One where he felt weak. Till now his daughter hadn't trusted him enough. She was still adamant about protecting him. This reminded him of himself and it terrified him. After giving it some thoughts he realized his father was stronger that he thought he was. All that happened because he thought his father was weak. If only he didn't cry then. If only he listened to his father. Would he have been able to be at thier side now?

His father had gone far in his theories of destroying his seal. He had even figured out that the counter was mass amount of impure magic even on his death bed. All his father thought about was saving him. Regretting never running away in the first place.


Tears dropped down from his rainbow orbs startling Abby who suddenly jumped. She stared at her father who cried. Yet he still loved beautiful even in sadness. But she was perplexed.

"Father... is it something I said? I Am sorry ."

She startled. He took her in a closer hug and calmed her down.

"I was just thinking of my parents."

And looked up to him. He had a smile yet a subtle look. She felt her heart break. She knew of his parents death. It was undeserved.

"What were grandma and grandpa like."

She asked. He began explaining them to her. Even though he was known as a monster his parents never separated him from them. Even knowing he would cause destruction they never stopped loving him. Even after his mother died. His father only blamed himself.

Abby listened to the tales as readies began to imagine what life would have been like if they were alive.


"Radues where did you go to?"

A woman with long blonde hair that looked like him asked. She had little wrinkles on her face but she was beautiful. She held on to radues face smiling. Radues was in a small cabin located outside the shores.

The seas sang melodies of happiness and the smell of mildew gave nostalgia. His dad came from within the workshop and in his hands a little child who was Abigail.

Abigail laughed and behaved like a child as she ran into her father's arms. His parents smiling happily as they spoke together. They were in disguises yet thier love for each other were not concealed.

Yes in redues mind he was complete. With both his daughter and his mother. If he was to go through trials again all he wanted was to assure his parents safety.

That was all he wished for. His parents and his child. But with his fate he wasn't sure how much longer he would have his daughter for. But if it meant he should die for her he would.

I became the daughter of the gay male lead.Where stories live. Discover now