Part 3

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The king sat angrily on the couch staring at the boy who didnt even show an ounce of emotion. Before he was only going to see the boy a bit and let him go but now he wanted to touch the boy but in ways that satisfied him. 

"Eat child."

The king repeated but the boy refused. He begged on the boy and soon his father interfered.

"We appriciate the kindness but this monster can not eat this.. he is undeserving of it."

The king stared at the face of the duke who was already on to him. Of course the king placed his hands up in defeat. He could not face the wrath of the grand duke.  He sat back on his chair eyes still on the lad who played it off. The lad stll showed no emotion.

"So how is the misses."

"Horrible knowing she gave birth to this boy."

Boy was unfazed. The king wondered. The boy was strong all so mentally that he wondered how on earth he was listening to insults at a young age yet showing no once of sadness. Unknowing to him the boy had escaped from his reality and was unconcious away from the lt. The moment he became consious he had forgotten all that wa said before. It was a way he could hold back his emotions.

The king spoke briefly to the duke before thier focus got back to the boy.

"He would begin training soon." 

The Grand duke nodded it was unavoidable. Hero training from the best amges and swordmanship from the best teachers. The boy drank some water and soon realized it was sparked as he gulped it down. He stared at his father who looked at his face.

"What happened."

"This was sparked. EWith something."

The king looked in suprised and intriuging. As they were talking he did put smething in it. Something no one was supposed to have known even if it was drank. The duke glared at the king angrily. As the boy began flushing. Like he ws trying to control himself.

"What did you put in his drink."

"Only an emotion increaser."

The duke was baffled and angered.

"How could you. That is unfair."

"What...I siad his training is beginning. if he cant control his emotions with an increaser he cant live in this world."

"But he is a child. children dont have the ability to counter drugs like adults."

"So..He is a monster may i remind you. A monster. He can destroy us all at any age. Duke do not interfere or i would see it as treason.'

"You bastard i would."

"What kill me?"

The king laughed. He stared back at the duke.

"You think i do not know you lost your divinity the moment you turned away from the gods? Hahahahaha. I knew it all to well. So what power do you have against me. Maybe in strength but as for now you are weak. Lacking sleep from worry for your child."

The Grand duke fell to the ground. he was dancing on the palm of the king. He knew it all to well. Both him and his wife had lost favour from the gods when he turned away and his strength had depleted form his lack of sleep and yet the king knew. Of course he could easily kill the king but he didnt have the power to fiht the oppressors and take the throne. 

The king smiled staring at the boy whpo was greatly holding back tears. He was impressed but his plan had to work. He stared at the boy.

"Your parents love you so much to the point they would do anything for you and yet here you are behaving like this and being a monster."

"Dont lusten to him Radues. Dont."

His father called out. Radues looked away holding back the pain he was going through. the king angered greately. Ever so grately. He took a knife from his pockets and place it on the boy's fathers neck. Radeus trembled. 

"If you dont cry i would kill your father."

"Radues he cant kill me so dont cry. Its a trap"

Radues stared scared. His hands on his laps. He was torn. He didnt know the turth. The king smiled. Holding it closer and closer till he saw blood. Though he never knew his father a part of him wanted diffrent. He could easily turn away but why couldnt he. 

Tears began to drop as he cried. Why was he bound to such a faith. The king joyed throwing the father away and touching the boy. 

"Your highness please. He is just a child. "

"Even so a promise is a promise. DOnt worry i would spare you and your wife but the boy must learn to control his emotions."

The guards proceeded into the room taking the duke by the arms.

"Your highness please. please."

The Kings hands found itself on the body of the child who was fighting back. Yet the lustful smile remained on his face. He was making no progress. The King knew that such a child had no magic yet. No one had magic till the age of 10. Where they are blessed by the gods. 

The king placed his hands on the childs ass smiling lustfully. The child begged.

"Please. I am sorry."

"Your still showing emotions. You must be punished."

He placed his fingers forcefully in the childs pink ass. A very fresh looking ass that was soft. The boy screamed in pain crying. He couldnt escape and now he was goiung through pain. The king placed down his pants and his memeber was revealed. 

The child cried and pleaded but in an instant his ass was forcefully penetrated into. His cried and blood bleed evrywhere but the king enjoyted the face made by suc a beauty. Never had he been so pleasure before and to talk of a child. He got faster as the child cried.

"Your still crying. It seems you dont want to leave."

He came into the child and proceeded to ram more and more in. Radues cried a bit more but stopped he realized the more he cried the harder it was. The king found no joy seeing his expression and removed himself from the child. The moment he did he began to gain clarity. He had just raped a 4 year old boy. The boy layed on the ground shoivering and not crying. His beauty was still good. He smiled.

"You better not show emotions or things like this would happen again."

The child trembled. Why was he bound to such a fate.

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