Part 10

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He moved towards radues wo recognized him and yet his heart did not beat once for the king. It was now for the duke. Aaron came close to him but radues went towards the duke. This made Aaron mad as he recognized the sign. 

"It seems you have found a lover now. even though you embraced me in the cave."

"Ha i dont remeber that but you didnt tell me you were the demon king."

"You didnt ask. you were so trustiung of people. it seems you have changed. or are you gripping on to the guy with hopes of living?"

Radues anger and so did the duke who stood infront of him. Aaron was not interested with him and went towards the king who shivered. Everyone was trembling at the appearance of the demon king. The king snapped and fell to the ground.

"What do you want."

Aaron laughed. He like how smart the king was.

"I want Radues. Give him to me."

Radues screamed.

"I am not an object you cant have me."

"What the fuck do you mean by that."

The duke added. Aaron laughed.

"Tik tok king. unless you die~"

The king nodded. It wasnt like radues was his anymore so he agreed. The other afgreed. Aaron laughed as a dark air engulfed all of them. The duke held on tightly to radues who was disappearing. Radues cried. it was happening again. he so found freedom. He cried hodling on to the duke. When he opened his eyes he found himself in a cell. And in that cell he felt his magic depleting and felt weak.

He soon realized he was trapped. Trapped again. He was trapped. He stumbled upon a small box on the ground. To took it in his hands and on the top it wrote; To radues from the duke incase you keep the box. 

Radues opened it and soon was greeted with a ring. In the inside was a note. 

"I love you."

Radues broke down on the ground. He cried for a long time cried and cried. Aaron came visiting him toturing him and told him to endure it or the duke would be killed and just like that his cycle reapeated again. And again. 

On the blood moon night he concieved. Finally fuuiling the prophesy and as soon as he gave birth it was a girl. But something took him aback. Even through his suffering..the child was still smiling with him. Even through his suffering..he found a light. his child.. his love.. and yet he couldnt protect her. Just like his parents. just like his family. Like a curse He cried and cried as she was feeling ill and gave her all that was his but his body couldnt endure it much longer. 

He watched his child cry for the first time after he couldnt move and this brought back memeories of his child hood. He smiled.

"Maybe this was ow my parents felt when they were dying."

He cried.

"If i had one regret. It was not being able to take care of you. My sweet abigail"


When he awoken he found out he was back in the cell. He had though and was sure he died but why was he back?

"Why am i back?"

He wondered. He looked around and saw that he was naked and infront of him a child and Aaron. He saw a light flash and Aaron and soon it was a seal. He was confused. WHy was he still alive.

"Did i not die?"

But as he came to the realizaiton. He realized he had gone back and so did his daughter. when she spoke of saving her father this time around he was baffled. She had poured her all into saving him and he was more saddened. 

His resolve changed. He would protect his daughter and break out of the cycle. His daughter was extremly beautiful and because of that he saw himself in her. So he would escape and let her live th life he couldnt. He would let her leave.

"My love."

Hearing the words she said and knowing she knew of his past. he was embarrased but he wasnt embarrassed abymore knowing that he was now protecting her. He had forgotten of the duke and erased him from his emeoreies/.

So seeing him stand infront of him. The memories he thought he erased came rushing in. His love. The person he loved was standing right infront of him. 

"Are you not the fallen hero of tales?"

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