Calm your eyebrows, Anntonia

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I was glaring at Miss Colombia who's busy talking to Miss Philippines beside me.

"Calm your eyebrows, Anntonia." I came back to my senses when i heard someone say my name.

I look in the back and even on my sides but i saw no one looking at me until this girl, but Miss Philippines caught my attention. She was looking at me with a serious face as if she knows what i was thinking, on the other hand Miss Colombia who was still busy talking to her, is she not aware that Miss Philippines wasn't paying attention to her instead,she's paying attention to me...?

I mouthed what? But she just shrugged and stand up, i saw her saying something to Miss Colombia before walking out. I also stood up and bid my good bye to the girls before following the Miss Universe Philippines representative.

When i was far from the venue i started running, not worrying if i trip or something because i was wearing a freaking 5 inch heels. When i was near to Miss Philippines i called her..


I thought it didn't caught her attention so i run a little faster, only to found out I did caught her attention. Gosh she's walking so fast! Thank god she stopped from walking.

"Why?" She answered me plainly.

"Are you going to your room?" I asked her with my so called adorable smile.


"Can i come with you? I mean my room and Miss Phaimany's room is just near to you and Miss Fabiënne..." She raised her right eyebrow.

She just nodded so i quickly wrapped my left arm to her right arm, "stop being clingy, tonyang."

And with that, she flicked my forehead.

" You're still not used to it?" I look at her.


Gosh this girl is really plain!

I didn't even noticed that we're in front of my room already, I did open the door with my spare card before turning to Michelle who was waiting for me to go inside.

"Can i hug you?" I asked her as if we didn't do that in the past.

She did not say anything and just hug me, I'll be honest, I was kinda surprise by her sudden move but i hugged her back.

Her hug was warm and soft, it feels like home for me. Her hugs brings me comfort and i loved that, I've been receiving her hugs since that so called day i want someone to lean on when I was on my lowest part and she's the only one who's there to be my comfort zone, the day she can remember. I don't want to let her go.

I just want her on my side until tomorrow

"Can you stay on my side until tomorrow?" I can't let her go.

"Why? Are you on your lowest again?" She was patting my back to stop me from tearing up.

"I can't say it. But please, DeeDee?" My voice cracked.

I didn't even notice it yet until Michelle moved my head a little and made me lean my head to her shoulder not even worried i might ruin her jacket, "I'll stay by your side until you feel better."

I don't have any reason on why i want her on my side except that one thing i can't control when I'm alone, it's crying myself out loud not worrying if the room is sound proof or not.

"Thank you... Thank you.." I said as I  let go of the hug.

I wiped the little tear drops that came out to my eyes that i didn't even notice it was already dropping from my eyes to my cheeks.

I open the door for her but she said wait because she will get her pajamas. Cute.

As I wait for Michelle I started fixing my bed and Miss Laos's bed. When I heard the door bell ring I immediately opened the door just to see Miss Laos.

"I'll just go get my pajamas and I'll go to Miss Indonesia and Miss Philippines room." She smiled before walking towards her luggage to get her pajamas.

I smiled at her before she left our room, so we're exchanging roommates tonight huh? I was about to close the door when Michelle pushed it with her hands that made me shock, was she that too strong before?

"I saw your roommate on our room, are we exchanging roommates tonight?" She said then chuckled.

I just chuckled too. I welcomed her to the room before locking it, the first thing she did is lay down to the sofa and opening the TV. "I'll just go take a half bath then I'll come back," i informed her and she nodded and smiled so i smiled back.


I just found myself laying down to my bed while Michelle is relaxing her back on Laos's headboard, we're watching a movie called The four sisters in a wedding it's a Filipino movie and i can't understand it so Michelle needs to turn on the subtitles. I was wearing an oversized t-shirt and a comfy pajama while Michelle is still on her poganda thingy even though she's only wearing a plain t-shirt and a comfy pajama too.

We're having fun watching the movie when suddenly I heard a thunder sound which is I was scared of.

I screamed my lungs out because of the loud sound it caused, "oh what the fuck!"

I covered my ears while saying random thai words. I was closing my eyes while saying the random words, i can still hear the loud thunder that made me tear up, i can feel my tears going down to my lips so i tasted it.

I'm so scared to thunder sounds.

I opened my eyes when i didn't hear any thunder sounds anymore and i also removed my hands from covering my ears, only to see Michelle looking at me like she was worried about me.

"Do you want a hug? You seemed so scared till no-"

I didn't let her finish and just quickly hugged her.

I just love her hugs or cuddles so much, it feels like a real home i can lean on whenever i feel down, scared, alone and many more because of her soft, warm and comforting hugs.

We're both laying down to my bed while both arms are on each other's back, normal for us because we did this with our circle which is janina, samantha, sandy, max and her wifey, riri.

Coddling with a girl who doesn't love to cuddle with people unless its her wifey or she's comfortable to do it to someone.


Lol. The scenario that came to my mind is the part where mich said calm your eyebrows, Anntonia. And the scene where daddy and Miss Colombia was talking while mommy was staring fiercely at Miss Colombia while her eyebrow was crumpled.

I'm sorry for the grammatical errors. I wasn't in that type of writing a pure english story but i tried, and i don't read the chapters i made before posting it so I'm so sorry.

That scene where mommy said "poganda" just came to my mind, just act as if she knew what poganda means.

The second chapter will be posted later(still working on it), dw for the fans of rhimich I'm making the chapter 1 already and it's planned to be published tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'll drop the third chapter probably.

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