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We were strolling to the side of the beach while our hands are connected, Michelle was holding my hand super tight as if she doesn't want to let go.

"Love, let's buy food there please.." I looked at Michelle while pointing the food court I saw.

Michelle seems not to hear what I said because she was so lost in her thoughts I guess that's why I repeated.

"Michelle, let's buy food there please," I repeated which caught Michelle's attention.

"H-huh? Sure let's go." She said as she dragged me towards the food court I saw.

Once we were already in front of one of the food stall I was amazed because they were not only selling thai street foods there but also some different kinds of Filipino and other countries street foods, I'm sure Michelle is the mastermind of this because after all all of the owners seems to know her.

"Good evening Miss Dee and Miss Porsild!" The food stall owner greeted the both of us, I was surprised that she knows me.

"Good evening too Miss." I smiled and made a bow as I place my hands together in a praying sign at my chest level, Michelle did the same but she raised her wai higher a little until it reached her chin level.

"คู่รักอยากสั่งอะไร?" The owner asked which I instantly know because it's thai.

Michelle seems to not understand what the girl said so I decided to translate it for her.

"She said what do the couple wants to order?" I said and smiled afterwards.

"Oh uhm, it's up to you love just don't forget to buy my favorite thai food you know it already." She said and smiled, I made a thumbs up sign to let her know that I will order already.

"เอ่อ ขอ guay teow สองตัว และลูกบอลสีส้มนี้อีก 20 ชิ้นด้วย ขอบคุณ!" I said and then pointed at the I think a Filipino Street food which is the orange ball thing, I gave the money.

[Um, please give me two guay teow and 20 of these orange balls. Thank you!]

"Let's just wait okay?" I asked the girl besides me that is just looking at me.

Her expression was just blank and seems too focused on my face because of how I observed her eyes, she's not paying attention and is just really focused on my face.

what is happening?

I was surprised when Michelle suddenly hugs me and didn't say anything, I was surprised yet I gave her back a hug.

I heard her sniffing as if she's about to cry, what happened?

"Hey shh, what happened?" I decided to ask her but she didn't respond.

I just decided to be quiet and just let her rest her head on my shoulder, I don't want to ask further more but all I know she's not okay.

She's hurting and I don't know about it

She left the hug and wiped her face, I could see in her actions something is bothering her but I don't want to intrude so I will just let her tell me whenever she's ready.

"I'm sorry, I just thinked of something sad that's why I cried. I'm sorry for my ac—"

"Your feelings are valid Michelle, don't bother saying sorry because its not your fault or something. I am just here whenever you need me, you're so precious and I don't want to crying, your feelings are always valid okay?" I said and smiled.

Her and everyone's feelings are valid, we can't predict when we will overthink if our feelings are truly valid, no one is perfect and makes mistake yet they all deserve to be assured that it will all be alright and their feelings are valid.

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