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Michelle was doing a short live right now when her eyes met mine, i was looking at her while a smile is formed on my lip. Her lip was painted with a smile when her eyes met my eyes.

"Oh uhm, i can't wait to see you all soon!" She said randomly when i pointed her phone.

I laugh when she tried not to stutter, she looked at me as if she's saying i need to be quiet because my laugh was heard through the camera even though i was far away from her. I made a hand gesture that I'm zipping my mouth.

She smiled when i zipped my mouth with my hand that is holding a imaginary zipper. I stood up and was about to go to her but i sent a text first, informing her i want to rest my head on her lap. When she saw my text she looked at me before tapping her lap welcoming me to rest my head there.

To: Adi🖤
Dee can i rest on your lap?

From: Adi🖤
You're weird, Porsild.

But sure.

She was sitting on the sofa, she changed her phone's position from being placed on the table to placing it in between the wall and on the foam thingy where you can rest your back, well i know what it's called i just want to say it like that. She removed her hand from blocking the camera when i finally rested my head on her lap, she then said sorry for blocking the camera.

"I'm sorry for blocking the camera guys," cutee.

I hugged mich's waist with my left arm that made her look at me in a sneaky way, she hugged me too with her right arm while she's busy reading comments. I open my phone then opening my twitter or x so i can see if someone tweeted mich's live and i was right, someone tweeted mich was blocking the camera with a picture for proof. I tried not to laugh when i saw the caption it says in the caption she or he heard something, technically my voice saying i want cuddles.

When i saw mich was looking at me, i figured out she muted her live and off her camera i pouted jokingly saying i want a kiss even though i don't want it. I was shocked when michelle kissed my forehead then my cheeks.


"Opo." I know what opo means.

She looked at her phone again probably will entertain her followers again. I heard her cough sign she will speak now, she gave me a glance first so i made a flying kiss and winking at the same time making her smile and wink to me too.

"Sorry for leaving again, someone needs my attention.."

She looked at me when the last word she said escaped on her mouth. I bit my lip to stifle a laugh, she's driving me crazy.

I opened my Instagram and quickly find michelle's live, when i saw her live i joined, the moment i joined she immediately look at me with confusion, probably noticed i joined her live.

"I need your attention please"

I tried not to laugh when i commented, i looked at her face through the live she was trying not smile by biting her lower lip.

I love teasing you, but i love it more when I'm feeling the love I've been longing.

I thought we're okay already, contented with our lives, contented with the love we share to each other but i was wrong.


Short update coz I'm still busy but expect already I'll try to post everyday.

Also, sorry for the magulong chapters, i will fix it on my free time. I will also post a Disclaimer for this story :)

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