Thank you.

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Michelle who is driving in the road that is giving the signs where my house is. It just took 15 minutes and we're already in front of my house, she insisted that she will bring me home even though I have my own car I can't do anything because I was too weak when it comes to her.

When I said thank you she just nodded, before I was able to shut her car door I heard her whispering something but it's not really clear on my ears because she said it not loudly like a normal whisper, it's really on to something I know Michelle very well.

"I love and miss you."

I didn't bother asking her what did she say because I know for myself that she's still mad at me, she still hates me and it's okay for me because I deserve it.

I closed the door of Michelle's car and she immediately drove away, not saying goodbye to me is sad, she used to say goodbye to me whenever she's leaving after bringing me home.

I miss the Dani I met.

When she left I felt a bang on my heart, and then suddenly I started sobbing. Why is it so hard for me to move on? I've moved on before but when she came back everything came back, the hurt and sobs that I've kept for a long time came back.

I found myself crying on my room, letting it all out. The pain came back.

All I can think of is the pain that I've kept for a long time, being in a moving on time loop feels surreal. Needing to keep the pain and hurt to yourself because no one will understand why you still can't move on even though 2 years had passed by is so hard.

Crying in a dark room while everybody is sleeping and trying not to let a single loud sobs come out from your mouth feels like hell, nothing can hurt more than feeling the longest and probably forever pain. Sitting on my bed while everybody is sleeping peacefully on their own beds.

I held my chest after feeling that I cannot inhale and exhale properly anymore, the tear drops coming from my eyes is too much, I can already taste my own tears because of the sudden crying on the room that saw me cry every night before.

As I was on the middle of crying my phone vibrated completely making me stop from crying, I stretched my arm so I could get my phone. When I got it I saw a message from a group chat. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and eyes before opening the group chat.

It was named SUPERWOMANS I saw the members that is part of the group, it was Nicha, Nalin, Rhian, Max, Janina, Sandy, Sam and Michelle. It was like a group chat but with a thrill, my friends are literally on that group chat.

I found out that Max added me in the gc, they welcomed me but I didn't drop a single message. My tears are still over flowing.

I decided to sleep because it's really late, tears were falling on my cheeks as I close my eye to sleep.

"I wish I could hug you.."


I woke up feeling sick, I checked my temperature and I was actually sick. My body is so numb and I feel so dizzy I feel like I can't move my body.

I stood up and went outside so I could go down stair to eat already so I could drink medicine but my knees eventually became weak luckily I was holding onto the handrail of our stair. I feel like any moment I'll pass out but I luckily I managed to go down stair safely, when I was finally down stair I saw a woman figure on my kitchen it looks like she's cooking something. I walked towards my kitchen area and immediately hugged the woman figure, I'm sure it's nicha but the woman seems so surprise.

"Nichhh, I'm sick can you cook me soup? I can't cook right now... " I said while my lips are pouty and my voice sounded like a baby but I didn't mind.

The girl who I assumed was nich turned around and immediately checked my forehead if it was hot, this girl is freaking Michelle. I saw how Michelle's face turned from serious to worried face.

"Shit, you're really hot!" Her voice sounded so worried.

She carried me immediately and walks towards the sofa, when we were in front of the sofa she carefully laid me on the sofa and then leaving me there. I saw her hand took out a towel, I didn't see her movement because I was far away from the kitchen, I just saw her putting watered towel on my forehead.


Next update will probably on Friday night kasi I'm a NAT taker on our school and I'm in the second batch which is Pm. kug hindi Friday Saturday kasi babawi pa ako sa next chapter.

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