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I woke up because of a dream, when I looked where I am I found out I was in my room on my home in Thailand. I tried finding Michelle but there's no trace of the Miss Universe Philippines 2023.

Was all of that a dream?

"Michelle?" I tried calling her name for the last time but still, no trace of Michelle Dee.

I let out a heavy sigh after realizing that was all a dream, there's no Michelle.

I felt my eyes getting wet and all I can see is blur, before I knew it I cried. I felt like there was a hard bang in my chest after wiping the tears in my cheeks, It's like someone stabs my heart every time tears roll down my cheeks.

I can't help but to break down.

While I was crying I found myself looking for Michelle's old account so I can go and listen to all of her voicemails, when I found her account on my message list I felt my chest tighten as if it's not giving me a permission to breathe and it's obviously suffocating me.

The first voicemail I clicked was about her telling me a story of how she drives through and then she got her order wrong, she was laughing that's why I felt my knees getting even weaker than earlier.

"Love I have a short story to tell you! Okay let's make this short, I ordered our favorite food kasi in jollibee which is the chicken joy and the burger steak but when the I got the my order na I realized I got my order wrong, that chicken was supposed to be thigh part not breast part but I just let it slip. HAHAHA corny yeah pero I had to share this moment of me being lutang.." I smiled but it was full of pain.

Pain, anger, frustratation, longing, lonely, and many more is evident on my eyes and my shout.

I can feel my heart aching again. I can feel my chest aching, as my tears flows down through my cheeks I saw Michelle and I's old picture together. Michelle and I was hugging each other's waist while our lips was connected, it was taken when we was on Boracay, sunset time.

"Michelle... Why are you making this hard for me?" My voice cracked.

I wiped my tears before standing up, I want to go downstairs. I want to unwind. When I opened my door I realized that I was right earlier, I was in our family house in Thailand.

I saw Aunty Anchali, our oldest maid and the care taker of our family house. When she saw me she smiled.

"Good morning, Anntonia."

"Is it morning already aunty? What time is it?" I asked.

"3:20 am, tonia. Why? Are you going somewhere? Tell me so I could prefer you a breakfast already-"

"No aunty, it's fine I'm not hungry anyway. I just want to go to the backyard, I want to smell fresh 3 am air, I also want to see the full moon. Just prefer me a one hot chocolate bomb, aunty. I'll wait for it there." I smiled before going to the sink so I could wash my face.

When I was finished I started walking towards the sliding door that is being connected to the backyard, I got my phone out so I could see if someone messaged me. When I was on the backyard already the cold air immediately hit me, it was so cold so thank god I was wearing a sweater when I woke up.

"Tonia here's your hot chocolate bomb!"

The drink is already here before the clock hits 3:40 am. "Thank you aunty, sleep already aunty. I'll wake you up later morning before mommy, daddy and Chris wake up." I saw how her lips form a small smile.

"No it's fine, I don't feel sleepy anyway. Just drink that chocolate bomb so I can wash the cup, I'll wait for you inside okay?" She said, leaving after I nod.

As I drink the hot drink a cold air came through my face, it made my whole body shivers.

When I drank the hot chocolate my phone vibrated, leaving me with no choice but to check what it is. When I checked my phone I only saw a message that is from a number familliar to me.

You're invited to my birthday party next week there in Thailand.


I'm sorry for the slow update, I have to deal with something that caused me to not update for a month. I'm really sorry.

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