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Anntonia is currently sleeping on my chest while i was on a call with my ates, riri, max, janina, sandy and sampan. They're asking where am i because they want to meet me and ann.

"Where are you nga dee? Your headboard bed is iba na compared to the headboard we saw the last time nag talk us." Riri kept on asking where i was.

"Riri is right," sabay sabay pa talaga.

"I'm on my friend's room, why are you guys asking ba? Are you guys imbestigador?" They laugh because of how conyo i was.

"Which friend? Ann-"

"Imbestigador nga kayo." I cutted max.

"Hoy?!" Janina and sandy.

Gumalaw si ann kaya napatingin ako, her eyes are teary it's like she's hurt so much. She's having a period cramps right now, her hug became tighter as her tears started to flow.

"Dee..." Shit.

I quickly off my camera and the mic, i caressed ann's hair as i move a little to give her more access on hugging me. She can't sleep properly when someone is not caressing her hair, one thing i noticed about her. I even heard the girls saying something but i didn't pay attention.

"Is that Ann's voice?!"

Ann opened her eyes, she smiled when she saw me. I was about caresses her hair again when she adjusted her body so she can place her head on my shoulder, malapit sa leeg ko.

I felt my face starting to heat, I'm turning into a tomato because of anntonia's every move. She hugged me again so i hugged her with my left arm and then, she fell asleep again. When i made sure she's sleeping again i got my phone and turned on my camera and mic, thank god they didn't end the call they're just talking about something but i instantly got their attention when i opened my camera.

Ann's head got their attention, i saw anntonia's head moving and pouting her lips maybe result of caressing her back? "So i was right? There's something to you two talaga! Since that pic you sent to us i became curious!" How curious ri?

"Have fun bebetime with ann, we gotta sleep now we still have errands tomorrow." They all bid their goodbyes and so do i.

When the call ended i embraced ann, her presence is my strength. I love her.


"Ann, wake up na po.." I was tapping ann gently trying not to hurt her cause i know her cramps is killing her.

"Hmm?" Eyes still close.

"Wake up na po, you still need to eat lunch, i prepared you a hot compress so you can sleep peacefully this time." I used my soft voice just for her to wake up.

She opened her eyes and instantly smiled when she saw me, i was fixing my hair when she opened her eyes.

"Good afternoon, you're so pogi..."

It melted my heart when i heard her say that words in her baby voice, it might sound corny to some people but it's cute for me. Her hair was a mess so i fixed it using my hands causing her to giggle.

"There, you're beautiful again," i said when i was finally done fixing her hair.

"I don't want to eat, i want cuddle." Eh??

Ano ba naman tong MISS U ng Tailand, ang clingy but i don't complain. I fixed my hair that are covering my face by brushing it with my hands papunta sa likod before sitting on the bed, facing anntonia's bare and sleepy face.

"We still need to do rehearsal, adi. So eat na." She just pouted.

She was opening her arms while pouting as if she's begging me to command her, i don't have a choice but to hug her which i want too. Bumagsak kami sa kama dahil hinila n'ya ako bago ko pa man s'ya mayakap.

"You're so clingy, Ann." I murmured.

"It's my love Language, adi. I like being clingy and touchy to anyone that is close to me and has a place on my heart."

She then started tracing my face with her finger, when she reached my lips she stopped there, she looked at me like she's saying something.

When i realized what she's saying my eyes widened "Anntonia no-" i didn't have a chance to finish what I was about to say when she kissed me... On my cheeks. Okay that's oa.

"You're so oa, did you think i was going to kiss you?" She chuckled.

I just rolled my eyes and just focused on caressing her hair so she can sleep again, if she doesn't want to eat then no she can eat later.


Sorry if i ghosted you all for a few days, i was just so busy on our practice for tomorrow's event on our school. Anyway, wish me a good luck huhu.

Will be dropping updates on dec 14, and the next updates will be on 16 to January.

Hope you all understand :))


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