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We're eating after our rehearsal, I'm tired already, we've been doing the rehearsal since 7 am and it's 3 pm right now.

I'm resting my chin on the table while waiting for dee's, she's getting our food, again while i was resting my chin on the table my phone didn't stop vibrating so i finally check it, my lock screen was filled with some mentions from videos so i got curious and check one of the video.

It was a picture of me and mich laughing at each other, the caption was the chemistry they have?!


I hid my phone when dee placed my plate in front of me, i sat properly and ready for praying.

After praying me and dee started eating.

"Are you tired?" Dee asked me after taking a sip on her juice.

I nodded, i rested my chin on her shoulder and wrapped my arm on her arm.

I felt something trying to hold my hand so i open it and let her hand hold my hand. I closed my eyes for a bit before opening it because she stood up and made me stand up.

"You need to sleep, let's go." She held my hands and started walking, i just let myself got dragged by this girl.

The hotel to the rehearsal studio wasn't that far away we decided to just walk.

While walking i tried my best not to sleep, i was so sleepy.


I woke up on Michelle's bed, the first thing i look for is Michelle. "You're awake."

I smile when i saw her, "thanks for letting me sleep again here on your bed."

"No problem." She said plainly.

She was holding a tray, it got me curious. Was that a food? Is it for me or is it for her?

"What time is it?" I asked her.

"9:30 pm, Miss Indonesia is sleeping already on your room." Exchanging roomates again?

"Eat your dinner, it's late then if you want let's watch a thai series." I felt my face light up after hearing that.

She placed the tray on the table in front of her bed, it's a ramen with egg. I love this, she literally knows me.

I prayed before eating, the ramen is so good even the dessert she made. Michelle was looking at me while eating so i got a little distracted because of her stare.

"Stop staring at me," i got a little annoyed because of her laugh after i said that.

"How can i stop staring at you when you're clearly still sleepy?" She was laughing so hard.

"If only i can fucking punch you right now." I gave her a stare.


We're watching a gl series cause that's what we want, it's the gap series missed watching this series.

"You know what?" I look at her with a confusing look.

"Why don't we take a video and send it to my broadcast channel?" I just nodded, busy watching the series.

We took a video of us, i was fixing my hair while we're both smiling. When the video ended we watched it before she sent it to her broadcast channel, after some minutes it already have 16k plus react.

"I look fascinating there." I said while rewatching the video.

"I look hot." I just agreed and started watching the series again with her.

Dee suddenly caressed my hair, knowing damn well i would fall asleep because of that.

Why do you keep on doing this to me michelle? I'm starting to think you remembered me.

Am i starting to love you again? More than friends?


The next chapter will probably be a flashback of tonyang or something like i want to make it a little sad or something, ganon.

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