Scenery Cafe

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I don't know how we ended up taking pictures of this beautiful painting inside the National Museum. All I know is Michelle decided to go to a cafe that is on BGC, I never thought may ganong cafe sa BGC, it was minimalist vintage type of cafe. We then ended up being here.


Scenery Cafe

The waiter who got our order said the meaning to us, scenery cafe daw is based to the Scenery, she said na the word Scenery is for how a place looks, especially a beautiful, outdoorsy place. "If you go to a place with mountains, and beautiful trees, and gorgeous calm skies, then it's got great scenery. The owner of this shops named it as Scenery Cafe because the last bonding her and her ex had was in a mountain, she wanted to let people know that it she named this cafe because of her ex. Ma'am M also need it after the nickname she made for her ex-"

"Uh thanks for the explanation miss, the coffee po please? Can you put it down sa table na?" Michelle cutted the waiter.

"No uhm, michelle please let her continue I wan-" I was cut off.

The waiter left after putting down the coffee, I gave michelle a look that only her could know what does it means, she gave me an apologetic smile before sipping to her Iced Americano.


Michelle and I stopped at a book shop, she said she's going to buy something inside so I followed her, I also want to buy a book duh. When I was inside I was mesmerized and shocked by how big the book shop inside, it's giving vintage core vibes. While looking at the shelfs my eyes got caught by a shelft, it was the self care book shelf.

I ended up buying two books.


"Hey Ann, are you okay?"

Michelle who is talking to me while I was on my thoughts tapped my shoulder, was my thoughts or the flash backs inside my head so deep?

"Y-yes?" I asked in my tired voice.

I got tired on thinking so much. Michelle smiled at me before getting my phone on my hands so she could take a picture of me.. Well I assumed it was just me.

"Let me do this." She positioned my phone from portrait to landscape.

She hugged me.

She hugged me by my waist before pushing the white button. I managed to smile even though I was shocked by the sudden hug, I moved my hands to her waist to before she hits the white button again. She started doing some random poses that melts my heart. Cute.

After taking some random pictures I decided to take her selfies, she started doing random poses while I am clicking the button multiple times. Her poses is making me weak.

She was doing her attractive pose, brushing her hair.

When i was done taking some photos of her saktong kanina called me, are they on my house again?

I answered it.


[Where are you, ann?] Her voice is sounding like she's teasing me.

"At the National Museum... With Michelle?" I was calm but full of kaba.

[So me and the girls are right, you're the one who's in Michelle's story. Are you two on a date? Did I disturbed you both?] She asked many questions.

"Hold up, I can't answer all of your questions girl, chill. First of all, me and Michelle is not on a date... I guess? And second she posted something on her story sa Instagram?" I'm the one who asked her naman.

[Yeah? She even put a caption, it says pa nga na you're her lifeline. Are you both okay na ba?] Lifeline?

I'm her lifeline?

"You're exaggerating things, nini."

[Check her Instagram story kasi, do my voice sound teasingly if it's now true naman?] Inutusan pa ako.

"Fine, but if I found out this is fake hindi na kita papayagan to go on my house," I said.

[Po? What is it po? Sorry you're choppy ano yun? I can't he-]

Pinatayan ko na ng tawag.

After ko patayin the tawag I quickly opened my Instagram, I found myself going to Michelle's Instagram account and checking her stories not until...

I found it!

It was on a close friends story settings, I was on the list of her close friends. Kanina was right, I'm the girl on Michelle's story and her caption- my lifeline.

It was in collide, the first picture is my back while my feet are in my old Miss Universe posture, the second is my back again but this time I'm holding my phone because I was taking a picture of the Spoliarium painted by Juan Luna y Novicio, the third is a blurry stolen shot of me, the fourth is I was looking at the camera while smiling. And for the last picture, it was me and michelle kissing each other's cheeks, the picture was used as the cover of a song she picked. It's so cute help me!

I found myself smiling but it vanished when Michelle called me, she was looking at a painting but I don't know what kind of painting it is.

"Why did Janina call you?" She asked me while checking her phone.

"Yeah, she just said something important." I can't stop smiling.

She gave me a questioning look before nodding, Miss Filipinas is kinda corny in her story.


Ang cute, naghalikan nang pisngi parang hindi nag-iyakan dahil sa isa't-isa.

Anyway sorry for the late chapter, I was sick and I was practicing kasi for a competition, color guard flag sa Drum and Lyre Corp eh...

I love you all mwuah! Pero mas love ko si Michelle Dee HAHAHAHAHA, kidding! ILOVEUUUU

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