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I was resting my face while looking at the other delegates who was busy practicing their walk from time to time, some delegates can't focus on what they're doing because my face always caught their attention was it because i look like i was judging them?

Well it's not my fault i was born having a face like this when i rest it, i can't do anything but to give them an apologetic smile, well a sincere one.

"Is it hard having a face like that when resting it?" A voice came from behind.

When i look where that voice came from i saw Miss Mexico, Melissa.

"Do i look like i am judging them?" I asked her as soon as she sat down beside me.

"Well yeah, you look like a girl who is not in the mood because you woked up really early just to prefer for a rehearsal that is being held in a big big room, a sleepy girl that wants to sleep but cannot so you could only do is rest your face like a, uh... sorry for this word but a bitch." Well uhm that kinda explain why i was resting my face.

I woke up around 4 just to prefer myself for this rehearsal and i also want to sleep but i can't so i can't do anything but to rest my face. "You look like a chipmunk when you blow your cheeks stop that," she was trying not to laugh.

"A cute chipmunk." I seductively said, actually trying to flirt with her but she seems like she's not buying it.

"Well for Michelle, you're a cute chipmunk. But for me? You're a chipmunk wherein her cheeks filled with nuts, it doesn't suit your precious cheeks. You can't flirt with me babe, someone will be angry." I gave her a questioning look.

I didn't bother to look at her again when she chuckled and I just focused on finding michelle, this is the only time we couldn't talk to each other and be in each other's arms.

When i found michelle my face changed in to a real judging face when i saw her talking to a staff, the staff is clearly flirting with her but she can't seems to notice it because she's a friendly girl and always thought that it's just normal to touch each other's what is this called in tagalog? Baso? Bsaro? Braso? Aish whatever.

I look on the other side when i saw michelle turning her head towards me and miss Mexico's direction, she can't see me judging that staff who is clearly flirting with her!

"Judging the staff, really?" Melissa suddenly speak while looking directly to the staff.

"Why is it bad to judge a flirt like her? It's not naman diba? I'm judging her because she's flirting with a delegate and it's in their rule to not flirt, talk for so long and many more to any delegate." The jealousy can be seen from how i talk right now.

Why am i jealous in the first place? We're already over.

"What's naman and diba?" Melissa is trying to pronounce the tagalog words that escaped from my mouth.

"Nothing, I'm tired I'll just go to my hotel room. Our group's rehearsal is already done am i right? So it's okay to go leave early." Jealousy is eating me up.

Before she can even talk i stood up and bid my goodbye to her. Aside from being jealous i also know that the delegates will be having a party that's why i don't want to stay any longer there, i don't want to drink.

"Anntonia wait!" I didn't look at Melissa and just walk straightly towards the exit door.

I reached the exit door and pushed it so i can finally exit this rehearsal studio, this is suffocating me so much. I can't handle this suffocating studio, it's even more suffocating when i know that some staffs are bad mouthing the delegates and i just can't handle that.

As i walk towards the elevator, my breathing became tight to the point i can't breath properly it feels like I'm being suffocated. Right just when i was talking about suffocating my asthma came fully suffocating me.

I took my inhaler in my bag as quickly as i can, i shake it only to find out it's already empty. God really loves me right.

While i can still breath i took the chance to walk fast so i can reach the elevator. When i was in front of the elevator i was about to press a number when someone got my wrist, when i turned to see who it is i saw mich.

"Okay inhale, exhale." I'm turning into like a kid who was obeying their doctor.

Mich took something on her bag and when she took it out she gave it to me, it's an inhaler. I was breathing in and out before then i took it, i did it for 3 times.

Michelle was looking at me, her eyes connecting on my eyes. I don't know but i just randomly seeing worries in her eyes. Probably hallucinating.

"Are you okay now?" She asked me after i gave her the inhaler.

"Yes, thank you, is this for you?" I asked but I know that my jealousy is still visible.

"Let's go, i help you."

"And to answer your question, no it's not mine, I bought that for you so when you don't have an inhaler I have extra."


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