Author's final note 🤍

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THJ has come to an end.

Thank you for supporting this story of mine, thank you for being there since the day I made this story of PorDee. Words cannot describe how thankful and blessed I am to be able to finish this story and for your unwavering supports, thank you so much!

After all of those plot twist we've come to an end with a happy ending, I might think before that I don't want this story to have a happy ending but look at where we are now?

I also might have said that I am not proud to this story but I've regretted saying that, I am truly thankful and happy to say that I am now proud and happy that I wrote this story by heart, soul and mind.

Thank you for being with me from the beginning and to the final chapter of the story. It has been a great and surreal journey with all of you by my side. I hope you guys learn a lesson or two in this story even if it's not that good and I hope the lesson will always and forever stay in your mind and heart until you all grows up.

It is always okay to express your true feelings, don't be afraid to show your vulnerable and fragile side to someone or to your most trusted friends because your feelings are valid.

It's okay not to be okay, it's always okay to seek help and comfort, if no one is there for you then I am here, I am here with you.

It's okay to feel tired, drained and stress you can always look at the stars and sky but please don't get carried away by the beauty of it, don't get carried away by your thoughts on how it feels to be one of the stars that shines brightly up in the midnight sky, don't let you thoughts ask yourself on how does it feel if you're in the sky watching thousands of people.

Your health is your greatest wealth.

I love you, so keep going.

The Heart's Journey will always be the best story I wrote for PorDee.

Kindness is Beauty

Forever and beyond.

Love & sincerely,

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