books, reporters

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"Can you stop staring at me and just focus on what book you're finding?"

"As if." I tried my best not to sound defensive.

We're at a book shop here in El Salvador, i was finding a romantic book but i can't seem to find one because Michelle's gorgeous face was distracting me.

The book was near the place we're staying but of course, we needed to have bodyguards and a van to protect. They were outside, they now we want to feel like this is just a normal day without bodyguards or anything that's why I am at peace.

One the other side, mich was finding a book that have wisdoms and will make you feel better every minutes you read the chapters.

"Book full of wisdoms huh?" I teased her when she finally found a book that are full of wisdom.

You can easily see the wisdom by just reading carefully the title and the back of it has a example of wisdoms.

"Should i find you a romantic book so you can shut you mouth? You're being talkative again and it kinda irritated me." Girl what?

This girl is rude.

"Rude." Am i that talkative?

I saw how she bit her lip after realizing what she had just said to me... I guess? She look at me with a worried look but i just rolled my eyes.

"I'll go find a book on the other shelf, you can pay that book now."

"Did my words hurt you?" She asked me but i just said no plainly.

"Of course not, I'm used to it." I'm not.

Of course i was hurt.

"I'll just go pay this and go back to you," i just nodded.

I walk towards the other shelf to find a book, while finding a book, a thought came to my mind.

Why does mich keep on showing her other sides to me but not on the other delegates?

Nahh, I'm just probably exaggerating. She probably also show her other sides to our circle of friends too.

Yeah right.

I shrugged the thought out of me by pulling a romantic book, the romantic book was clearly shown in the back of the book so it wasn't hard for me to guess if it's a romantic book or not.

I pulled another book and it's a love story book so i just got it too, i walked out of the shelf area so i can pay the two books now.

I was about to go to the counter when dee stopped me from walking by standing in front of me, i raised my left eyebrow, asking a question on why she was standing in front of me.

"I'll pay for that books." She was smiling so i gave her the books, not declining it.

Easy peasy.

Princess treatment or not?

"Thanks!" I smile after mich being treated by her.

"You're welcome."

I can't help but hugging michelle's arm but letting it go after we saw some reporters coming towards our direction.

Our bodyguards immediately did form a circle so they can protect us. Michelle and i putted our sunglasses aside from the reporters we're trying to avoid is the sun is also so bright to the point that it's hurting our eyes, it's not hot though.

"Should have bring our managers rather than facing these reporters." I whispered to dee.

Dee wasn't reacting as if she's used to it, well what can i do she's a successful actress, daughter of a beauty queen, cousin of a beauty queen, social media influencer, vlogger, friends with successful actresses and a successful model.

Of course she's used to it.

"What can you both say about you two being shipped on each other?" Shipped together?

I didn't even know we're being shipped to each other, what can be our ship name if ever that's true?

"I'm sorry but we need to go now, we won't be answering all of your questions for now. Please do understand and give us some privacy." Dee said to the reporters.

Dee wasn't even protecting herself, she's protecting me by holding my hands tightly and covering my face. She really know I'm not used to being surrounded by this many reporters, they're around 25 reporters here or even more.

As soon as we sat down on the van's chair our bodyguards closed the door immediately, dee locked the door.

I took off my sunglass and so mich, i rested my chin on dee's shoulder. She was resting her head on my head.

I feel sleepy so i closed my eyes, after some minutes i fell asleep but before i fell asleep dee said something but i wasn't able to hear it properly.

"I wish i we could stay like this forever, ann."


The reference for the scene where tonyang rested her chin on mich's shoulder while mich rested her head on tonyang's head was when they were in Mexico.

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