Hanging Ring

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Days passed by and I was already good, not feeling sick anymore. Those past few days that had passed I became busy, my dad passed me his company all of the sudden so here I am sitting at my arm chair while checking some important stuffs on my laptop.

I raised my right eyebrow when I saw that I supposed to treat my friends including Michelle but they cancelled it, did they change their mind and decided not to include me?

I stood up as I closed my laptop do hard to the point I heard a bang, I think I broke it. When I stood up I walked directly to the big mirror that I have here inside my office so I can see everytime I want if my outfit was still neat and clean, I stood there with complete blank expression. I head to toe myself to see if my my clothes was still neat and clean, I smiled when I saw it was still neat and clean.

I'm wearing Formal office friendly blue plain blouse top partnered with my black trouser, my hair was in a half done ponytail with a white bow while for my feet I used my black heels. My make up was just simple.

I was supposed to go back on my arm chair when my eyes noticed the necklace I was wearing, I walk even more close on the mirror and then bended myself over a little to see what necklace I used because I didn't check it earlier I just put it on my neck randomly. When I saw it clearly I smiled, it's a small heart necklace but it has a hanging ring, I touched it and I felt something inside the ring I think it's a name or a heart engraved on it.

When I touched the heart pendant and also the ring I felt a hard bang on my chest, I feel like this necklace that has a hanging ring is so important to me, I feel like someone that has a special place in my heart gave it to me. I was about to remove the necklace when a flashback suddenly became visible in my head...

It was the necklace and the ring that Michelle gave to me.

I smiled bitterly, I held the necklace even tighter while caressing it lightly, those flashbacks that I tried to forget came back.

Before I even cry I wiped my eyes already, standing up. I walk directly to my office table but before that I picked up a book that I was reading on the shelf beside my mirror, when I was already in front of my laptop that I think is broken already I sat down, opening the book.

Minutes passed by and I was half way done on reading the book when I heard a knock on my door, "Come in!"

I was still busy reading the book when I heard a loud voice coming from the door, when I looked at the door I saw Rhian and our other friends. They are holding some paper bags and even a cake box my eyebrows furrowed, what's with the cake?

What are we celebrating?

"Congrats Ann! You're the CEO of your dad's company now, we deserve to celebrate!" They all shouted, I covered my ears.

My eardrums will be ruined and damaged because of their shouts, they're so loud thankfully my office is sound proof. When they stopped I removed my hands that is covering my ears.

"My eardrums would bleed if only shouts can cause cut," I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry for their behavior." Someone's voice caught my attention xlwhen I look to the woman I heard saying something I made a small bittersweet smile, it was Michelle.

I just nodded and just focused on the book I was reading, it only have a couple pages that I can clearly count. The book I was reading is romance and it's about two girl who fell in love to each other, technically a Woman Love Woman story.

I saw how they reacted when I decided to focus on the book I was holding rather than focusing on them, I can clearly see them with the use of my not so obvious side eye. Max was raising her right eyebrow, Rhian was shocked by just looking how her eyes reacted, Janina furrowed her eyebrows, Sandy was confused, Samantha was looking at me with surprise evident on her innocent yet intimidating face, Nicha was trying not to let a single word escape through her mouth, Chatnalin was secretly looking at me with an evident small smirk and teasingly eyes, Papao was was trying to not let a laugh escape from her mouth because she knows I am busy reading the book that she gave me, and Fabiënne was also looking at me because she also knows I'm reading the book Papao gave me, they both gave to me rather.

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