Clingy Michelle.

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"Dee I'm tired... how long does it take to end this rehearsal?"

I was complaining to dee while my eyes were closed how much I'm tired because of this rehearsal for today, imagine doing the rehearsal without even having a break? We only got our break when it's lunch time. They even gave us a break, 20 munites break.

"It will end soon, ann. Just be patient." She was so focus on what the staffs is saying.

I immediately opened my eyes and sat straight when i someone called my name, "Anntonia, Dee!" Fab.


"Dinner later with the other delegates." She's wearing that teasingly smile of her.

"The staffs let us?" Dee asked.

"Yup. But they said we need to rent the dinner place for ourselves and have bodyguards outside the dinner place, we can wear comfy clothes and comfy foot wears." She was so excited while saying that, it's very evident on her eyes and on how her smile changed from teasingly to a excited smile.

"we'll come, what's the call time?" Dee whispered to me i should ask fab about the call time.

"Maybe seven pm?"

"okay! Expect us to be there later. If we didn't come dee will treat us tomorrow!"

"I didn't say that!" Dee's shout is just enough for us three to hear.

"No buts, that's the deal." Fab joined my crazy idea.

"Bu-" I stopped dee from talking by putting my thumb finger on her lip.

"Shh, love." I mouthed.

"Stop that love birds."

"As if you and papao are no-"

"Bye dee and ann! Love you two. The deal okay?" She immediately left.

"They're being a teenagers who was denying they're on a relationship." Dee said as we watched fab approach papao.

When fab is on papao's side she held papao's hand, these two are weird.

"What's their status?" I looked at dee as soon as i said that.

Dee knows papao and fab's status and it got me curious because of what i saw. They're like lovers.

"Platonic relationship." So straightforward.

"What? But i thought they were in a lowkey but not secret serious relationship, their actions is more than lovers actions." Dee chuckled.

"Sometimes that's how platonic relationship works, they beat the real lovers through actions or something."

I shrugged it off and just leaned on dee's shoulder again, i don't want to invade their privacy it's okay for me to know they're still in that platonic relationship. But, i hope they will move to the next level because they really have chemistry and they're so cute and happy when they're on each other's arms or even more.

"Dee, let's talk after the dinner." I said out of nowhere.

"About what?" She said in a soft voice.

"You'll know later. But i want to say this to you, i need to clear things to you."

I'm still hesitant if i should say everything to dee but she deserves to know about her past, everything she had forgotten. I do know where would this thing end up but I've made my decision already and it cannot be taken back, even if it hurts me i would let her know everything for her memory to come back. I would accept the fact she will no longer at my side once i say everything to her, accept that even if i sacrifice everything and take the risk i will always be the Anntonia who was once okay and fine without a Michelle Dee in her life.

Confusion, that is evident in her eyes like she's asking what she needs to hear and what i need to clear to her. I looked away when i felt my eyes heating up sign I'm going to cry.

I thought I'm already okay and accepted the destiny but why am i still being affected by the past? It's okay for me to tell everything to michelle and I'm ready already but why does it seems like I'm still affected? I've moved on already.

I assumed i was but i still wasn't.

"It seems like serious, you're making me nervous ann-"

"I'm not making you nervous, you're the one who's making yourself nervous because of all the what ifs you're thinking the moment i said clear things to you. I already know you dee, you do this every time someone whom is close to you is being serious while talking to you."

"Love naman e.."

Stop with the call sign, dee. The memories are just coming back every time you call me by our call sign before...

"Yes, love?" My way of saying yes, even if we will probably break later.

Dee was courting me from the first week we arrived here at El Salvador, she said that to me last night and i can't help but laugh because i didn't even noticed she was courting me already.

"H-huh?" She asked with her wide open singkit eyes.

"I said, yes love?" I would love to tease her for the last time.

"HUH?" Can i just push this girl away from me before i slap her?

"Nothing. I changed my mind, I'm not saying yes anymore instead, I'm rejecting you." I joked.

"Love..." She pouted, eyes getting teary now. Such a baby.

"I'm just joking hey, don't cry!" I hugged her. My shout is just enough for the two of us to hear it.

I felt her hand hugging me back, she buried her face on my neck causing me to flinch a little. I have a tickle on my neck causing me to flinch the moment dee buried her face on my neck then started smelling and kissing it, such a tease, my eyes widened when i felt her hand pulling me even more so she can have more access to my neck. The moment she pulled me she started kissing and biting my neck causing me to bite my lower lip, if only we're not on a dark area of the rehearsal studio we would have been caught already.

"D-dee.." I stuttered.

Dee finally stopped then just hugged me tighter while head was already resting on my shoulder, "sorry." She used her cute voice.


Sorry for ghosting you all. Love ko naman kayo and i will always come back, ghoster lang ako for weeks or even two months pero bumabalik ako to finish my stories huhu sorry talaga.. 🥲🤗

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