Words of affirmation

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We arrived at our golfing place around six pm already because the girls decided to eat first, they ate so many that's why we decided to take a break and just go here around six pm.

Sam, Sandy, Janina, Max and Rhian who was good at golfing helped the girls and our youngest friend nicha how to play golf. They learned how to play golf immediately after around 20 minutes of practice, they immediately tried playing and I was so surprised because they really did learn so fast.

Me and Michelle are just watching them play like a proud parents because their children learned so fast, I was smiling the whole time while holding hands with Michelle who seems to enjoy so much just watching our friends.

Michelle is so good at golfing too just like Sam, that's their hobby when they're together in Manila, Philippines. Me on the other hand, I am kinda good I will not lie but I am improving.

"They're so cute, they look like sisters  that is doing their type of bonding every weekend." Michelle said of nowhere.

" I must agree, they look so cute while bring watched by the two of us." I looked at Michelle with a smile.

She look at me smiling too, she held my hand tighter before lifting it up to leave a kiss on it. She moved a little towards me to close our gap by using a hug, we looked at our friends again that is still enjoying playing.

Me and Michelle is watching them when I noticed that Nicha was looking at us while we watch them, she was pouting.

"You two said we will all play golf but you two are just seating there while watching us play." She was pouting while her arms was crossed above her chest.

The other girls looked at me and Michelle too when they heard Nicha say something to us, they were all raising their eye brows while directly looking at me and Michelle.

"You two stand up, we will all play." Nicha walked towards our direction when she was in front of us already she pulled my arm, making me away from Michelle.

She hugged me from the side while she makes a face, looking at Michelle. We all chuckled because of Nicha's antics, our youngest best friend is annoyed.

"We will play don't worry, let's go." I patted her head.

"Nicha let go of your mommy Anntonia already, come here to me we will play again." She glared at Namin who raised her hands, accepting that she's not gonna win.


"Are you on your monthly period right now? Why are you so annoyed, pissed and attitude all of the sudden?" I asked her while I look at her.

She slowly nodded her head while her head was placed on my shoulder, I know this gesture, she always do this when she's experiencing period cramps.

"Hala siya, ang bunso namin.." Max said so I made her quiet.

"Let's go to the van, you need to rest. We'll play next time when you don't have your monthly period, for now you need to rest on a bed. You're having your period cramps right now so you need hot compress, we'll go to my house okay? You guys will sleep there." I looked at the girls that have a worried expression evident on their face they just nodded so I looked at Nicha who was still quiet but nodded her head too.


"My, do you think Nicha will be okay alone on the guest room?" Michelle asked me.

"She's not alone Dee, she's with Nalin and I trust Nalin that she will take care of Nicha so don't worry she'll be fine." I looked at the girl who was busy playing with my hair while I am using her arm as my pillow.

Her bare face was so flawless, her skin was so soft, moisturized, clear and is so kissable. Her short hair was on her face that's why I tucked it on her ears, my cute lover.

I admired her beauty while she was still busy playing with my long silk hair, there was a smile on my lips as I stare at her face. How can a girl be this so beautiful? She's so beautiful like a Goddess that was sent to the earth.

A beautiful face, posture, body and a good person in and out.


Ayan na okay na? Please don't rush me I am currently facing some personal problems that why I am not updating that much, please do understand my situation right now and please bear with my slower than a snail and a turtle updates.

I am trying my best to drop chapters every day or twice a week.

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