Missing her (last flashback)

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"You're crying again, stop that it don't suit you." I didn't notice riri was already beside me.

"Ri... I.. I miss..." I can't say it because i know to myself that once i say that words i will just break in front of mich who was sleeping peacefully in her hospital bed.

I don't want her or them to see me vulnerable and fragile, that's not how they met me and I don't want them to know that I just have this bit wall that is hiding my true feelings.

I don't want to be miserable, vulnerable and fragile in front of them.

Rhian hugged me, a hug that is full of comfort, a hug that comforted my shattered heart. Riri was whispering comforting words in my ears, i can't help but to cry even more. Her words wasn't just comforting words, it's more than that.

"Will she... even remember me?" I asked riri who was still hugging me.

"Not now but someday, someday she will remember you. The girl whom she loved the most, the girl she's willing to sacrifice everything just for that girl, the girl she's willing to protect even if it costs her life and the girl she once shared loves." Her words comforted me.

I wiped my tears immediately when the door of mich's room opened, it revealed max, janina and of course sandy. The moment they saw me their eyes was filled with worries, i just forcefully smiled and nodded assuring them that i was okay even though I'm really not.

I was forcing myself that it's okay despite that incident and mich losing memories.

"Your eyes... It's red and became tiny, you cried am i right?"

"No, i didn't, I'm okay... Really okay." I reassured them.

Max was about to speak when mich opened her eyes, revealing her beautiful gorgeous eyes. "You're awake." Max and janina said.

"Janina, Max... Sandy?" Ouch.

I felt like something pinched and stabbed me multiple times, how can she remember them and not me? You're being unfair dee.. "I need to go, see you guys later. Take care michelle." I need to go out before i even bursts out.

Janina tried to stop me but she's late, i already closed the door. As soon as i closed the door my eyes became blurry, when i felt that a tear drop landed on my cheeks i wiped it along with wiping my eyes.

I don't know what's happening to me, easily to cry wasn't on my vocabulary. I was known for being a strong independent, not easy to cry, not weak but here i am, being easily shattered because of the sudden memory loss of my love one.

I walked on the hallway, it's not crowded. The hallway is empty, there's no family of patients, a friend or even a lover the typical people you can see whenever you're in a hospital.

The only people I saw here was the nurses and doctors having a little chichat.

I put my cap and my face mask on so i won't be easily recognized if  ever some people know me.


As I walk towards my room I didn't saw or hear anything and just suddenly got hug a by a delegates, i can't help but hug them back and burried my face in between this girl's neck and shoulder. There i cried, i feel so weak because of the flashback that suddenly flashed on my head.

I hate you for making me like this michelle. But at the same time, i love you.

The moment i release myself from hugging the delegates i assume, my face turned into a confusing look to a shock look. The one i hugged is janina, max, sandy and riri, they're here.

"How did you guys get here?"

"It doesn't matter."


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