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When michelle was still on the bathroom of her and fab's room i had the chance to slid my letter and the paper rings and stars i made for the past few days. The paper rings and paper stars are on a big plastic, I also putted the duplicates of our pictures together on the envelope where my letter for michelle is, the letter was on a small box that is enough to be hidden until they find where it's located.

I wrote michelle a love, good bye and apology letter. If ever she reads it when I'm no longer at her side i hope she'd appreciate it, i hope she will appreciate my letter for her that took me almost one day to finish.

Just right after I closed michelle's luggage she came out of the bathroom wearing her white long polo shirt and her black trouser. Her hair was already kinda dry and just need to be dried by a low heat blower, I stared at her face to examine if she already did her face care routine and I was right, her face literally looks like she just took off her cold mask.

When she looks at me a smile was immediately painted on her lips, her plain face became bright the moment she saw me staring at her gorgeous face. I smiled back when I got back to my senses, I stood up and was ready to walk towards michelle when she stopped me and she's the one who started walking towards my direction.

"Sit down." I obeyed her.

"You're gorgeous, do you know that?" She asked me the moment she was already in front of me.

Michelle got a little taller because I was sitting at the bed, I look up so I could face her.

"H-huh?" I asked her when she faced me.

There's just a small space between our faces, if someone moves a little we might accidentally kiss each other. Her eyes went down from my eyes to my lips as saw that because I was monitoring her.

"I said, you're gorgeous." Eyes still on my lips.

"Maybe?" I look at her lips too so we're just fair.

The moment I looked at her lips I saw how she smirked, "Dee?"

"Hmm?" That's kinda hot.

"I t-think you need to mo-" I didn't finish what I was about to say when she closed the gap between our faces.

My eyes widened when my lips met hers, I wasn't able to move for a minute when her hands cupped my cheeks and she started moving her lips. When I was able to move I kissed her back, the kisses we're exchanging became passionate and we even bit each others lips because of the tension that this scene is giving us.

We both stopped from kissing each other when we were gasping for air, i wasn't even done inhaling and exhaling air when the thought of michelle leaving me later after she finds out what's her real identity is makes it hard for me inhale and exhale. Will she forgive me from hiding everything to her?

The last sentences that was written on the envelope that has my letter for michelle flashed back to my head.

maybe, just maybe, we could try again after years of healing from this day. Would you give it a try?

After all, you're a part of my Heart's Journey and you're my Miss Universe.

"Sa ngalan ng buwan, nangangako akong mamahalin at hindi kita kakalimutan, mahal kong michelle."

I translated that words just for you, i hope you forgive me. I love you Michelle Daniela Marquez Dee.

Ann :)

"Hey Ann?"

I just got back to my senses when I heard michelle's voice and her gently squeezing my cheeks with her left hand. "Y-yes?"

"Are you ready na?" I nodded.

She stand up and lending me her hand so I could stand up, I took it. When I got up she hugged me that made me surprise but hugged her too, she then placed small kisses on my forehead making me awe.

"Okay stop, fab is waiting for us outside na." I released myself from the hug.

"But I want more.." She's using her small voice and puppy eyes again!

"Diba you said you don't want cuddles or kissing someone's forehead for so long?" I teased her for being clingy.


"No, Fabienne is waiting for us na nga, I don't want her to be bored outside so let's go na." I was the one who walked first towards the door.

Michelle? She just held my hand the moment she was on my side, her being clingy is really weird.

When we reached the door she let go of my hand, she's the one who opens the door and the moment she opened the door it revealed fab who was holding her phone as if she's chatting someone because of her fingers typing something.

"Fab." Michelle's voice became serious again and her clingy side was now hidden.

"Uh yeah, let's go?" The moment fab heard Michelle's voice she hid her phone on her bag and acted like she's not chatting someone.

"What are you doing earlier?" I asked when my curiosity hit me.

"Uh nothing. Let's go already?" She's trying to change the topic so I just let it go.

Maybe I'll post the next chapter, yung confrontation at clearing things kasi may gagawin pa ako.

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