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As the day went by, michelle has been making efforts for me, from buying my cravings, gifts that i didn't ask her to buy for me, cooking for me, making cofee and of course giving me flowers everytime I'm opening the hotel door of me and miss Nicaragua's.

I'm done fixing my things and taking photos and ready to go out so i can go to the rehearsal studio. When i opened the door it immediately revealed michelle who was holding a bouquet of crochet tulip flower this time, a smile formed on her lip when she saw me.

"Good morning!" Wearing that cute smile  again.

"Morning dee! Is that for me again?" She chuckled causing her to look like a chinita again.

Her eyes became hidden when she chuckled, my chinita soon to be girlfriend is just so cute.

"Yes po, it's for you. Crochet pink and purple tulip boquet for my soon to be girlfriend, Ann." She was wearing her bright smile.

"You're really sure I'm going to say yes huh?" Kidding, from the very start i was yours. Just need to see your reaction love.

Her smile faded that made me chuckled, "I'm just joking, latina hunter!"

"Pasalamat ka mahal kita, kundi baka nabato ko na sayo tong boquet." Uhm what?

"What did you say? I don't understand," i asked her.

"Nothing, i said i love you in tagalog." I raised my right eyebrow, being suspicious.

She gave me the bouquet and i thank her, there's a card on the side of the crochet tulip. When i picked it up there's a box, i look at mich with confusion.

"Hand it to me, I'll open it for you." Wearing that smile again.

I handed her the box and i watched her open it, when she opened the box it revealed a necklace with our initials engraved on a heart being the design--- the box also has a ring, two ring to be specific. It's also has our each other's initials engraved on our very own rings, mich ring has my initials engraved on and mine is hers.

"Turn around, love."

I'm starting to look like a kid whose obeying their mother because i obeyed mich and i turned around. She positioned the necklace aroung my neck and i just Felt like she's kabiting it? I don't know if the pronounciation of kabiting is like kabayting?

When she was done putting the necklace on my neck i turned around and already flexing the ring i putted exactly at my ring finger instead of my promise finger that mich only know.

"It suits you."

"Thank you for this bouquet and for the ring and necklace, i appreciate it dee!" I was smiling widely.

"You're welcome, ann." Her smile was genuine.

I could see happiness and love through her eyes, her eyes screams my name everytime i look at it.

"Stop staring at me, you're being obvious." She tried not to laugh.

I didn't even notice i was already staring at her and admiring her face. Her eyebrows were a little thick unlike mine that is thin, her amber eyes that screams elegants, her matangos nose, her full lips and her jawline that can easily attract both gender. She can easily attract both gender because of her beautiful face.

"W-what? I'm not staring at you!" Defensive.

"Sure." She's clearly not buying it.

"Let's go na! I'm hungry already." I changed the topic so it won't go further and i just pouted.

"Stop pouting, it doesn't suits you." The joke is clearly visible on her voice.

"Yeah right. As if you didn't say last night I'm cute whenever i pouts." I rolled my eyes.

We started walking towards the elevator, holding each other's hand while I'm resting my head on her shoulder. She didn't care if i make my head heavy, instead she said i should make it even heavier.

We're in front of the elevator already when i saw some delegates walking towards our direction probably going to the buffet area too, when i saw they're near i quickly stood straight completely removing my head on mich's shoulder but still holding each other's hand we just hid it.

"Good morning Miss Philippines and Miss Thailand! Going to eat to- nice bouquet." It was Fabienne, she was with Melissa, Sheynnis and obviously her lover, Phaimany.

"Thanks!" I smiled.

Fab was about to look at me from head to legs when her eyes caught the necklace that mich gave to me, her forehead crumpled while trying to know who's that M besides to the A initial which represents Anntonia. Her eyes widened when she finally realized who it is.

"Are you two dat-" she wasn't able to say what she was about to say when i covered her mouth by putting my hand on her mouth.

Mich and the other delegates was just laughing probably because they already know about all six of us secretly dating each others. I just stopped covering fab's mouth when the elevator door opens.

"You guys didn't even help me, instead you guys just laughed at me while i was getting suffocated by this girl." She acted like she was about to cry, but we just all laughed afterward.

When the elevator door opens, we got out of it and went straight towards the buffet area, dee offered to get my food so i let her.


I said I'll make bawi but i didn't fulfilled it so I'll probably make bawi later or tomorrow.

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