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I woke up still hugging Michelle, Miss Laos is still not here so i think she's still on mich and Miss Indonesia's room?

"Michelle wake up," i was shaking Michelle but she just won't wake up.

I was fighting myself so hard just not to slap this girl, she's so hard to wake up. "Michelle Marquez Dee wake up. We still have rehearsal later 1 pm, it's already 10 in the morning and we're still not eating breakfast!" I just shouted at her instead of slapping her slightly.

"Hmm?" She woke up but she's still sleepy by just the look of her hands rubbing her perfect eyes.

"Get up already, it's 10 am already."

She was about to say something but someone suddenly called her so she look at it before taking her phone and looking at me after, "it's riri, I need to answer it."

"Hi wife! How are you?" Girl I swear she was not like this the past few days, she was so quite and not energetic.

"I just woke up po, you? It's night already there sa pilipinas po diba? Why are you not sleeping yet?" I don't understand what she's saying because of course she's speaking in a Filipino language mixed with english.

Typical Michelle Marquez Dee.

"Hindi po ako nambabae promise, si tonyang lang lagi kong kasama dito..." Why did she mention my nickname...?

"I'm not a womanizer nga hon!" Okay first I heard her say my nickname and now that word womanizer?

The heck are they talking about?

"Ehh? What the fuck?" I gave her a questioning look, thank god she didn't hear it.

"I'll be back soon po, I'll go straight to our house after i come back to Philippines promise. I miss you and our children too. "

She was just talking to riri so i waited until the call ended, i gave her a look.

"Did riri just call you a womanizer?" I was trying not to laugh when her expression changed.

"Do i look a freaking womanizer?" She raised her right eyebrow.

"Well kind of, cause you know when we're partying some latina danced and you're literally kinda smiling? And you didn't even bother when a delegate wrapped her arm on your arm when we're about to go to the catering house after our rehearsal. You also didn't flinch or something when someone tried to flirt with you, you literally go with the flow and you're even smiling."

"I even remember you living in Instagram that time..."

I saw how her lips parted in shock.

Ofcourse i was watching her, riri told me to watch her.

"How the fuc- okay you know what? Enough with that and just go get change, I'll come next after you finish." She said still in shock.

A smirk escaped on my mouth as i watch her being shock by what i just said about her being a little womanizer whenever she is drunk.

"Go already tonyang, ang bagal mo." The hell is ang bagal mo?

"I heard that!" I shouted as i close the door of the bathroom.

"As if you know the meaning of it!"


I'm just wearing a black simple plain sleeveless dress and a white cardigan i just found on my cabinet in Thailand and decided to bring it here. The dress wasn't long and it's not short either its just my definition of a perfect size. Actually this is not my style but i just want my outfit to be simple right now cause our rehearsal was moved tomorrow and they let us to party at the rehearsal stage, they even let us have our rest day and said we can go outside to roam around near the place we're staying.

Michelle on the other side, is wearing a summer black long dress with puffed sleeves. Her hair was longer because she of course, put a hair extension.

I'm wearing my white flat rubber shoes and Michelle wore her light peach sandals, my bag is small compared to Michelle's bag that is kinda large because of her camera.

"You still have my cardi huh?" This belongs to her??


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