Care Bears

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I was minding my business on the   living room, I decided not to go to the company because aside of being lazy I was also not feeling well.

Days had past since the secret room thing happened, the flashback was still fresh and I'm getting shy whenever I remember that.

Michelle and I decided to talk and fix things with us, getting back together. She was always visiting me to check up on me if I'm feeling well, I missed that.

I was reading a new book when I heard the door of my house open, when I turned around I saw Michelle trying to put the spare key for my house that I gave her.

She was wearing a white plain pants partnered with a white top and a blue plain polo long sleeves, her hair was down. She's also wearing a specs eyeglass while in a bare face, my drop dead gorgeous girlfriend.

Lord why did you give me such a perfect woman?

"Hi my," she was smiling.

"Hmm hello, dy." My voice was calm.

"I have a surprise for you, but! Close you eyes first."

I closed my eyes with confusion, "wait I can't see anything!"

I don't know why I said that because it's obviously visible that I closed my eyes that's why I can't see anything.

"Malamang naka pikit ka. May nakapikit bang nakakakita? Diba wala." This girl is always saying some tagalog words.

One more word that is tagalog while talking to me and then I'll use thai while talking to her. She is pissing the hell out of me.

It took some ten seconds before she said that I can finally open my eyes, "open your eyes my."

The moment I opened my eyes I saw her holding a bouquet of... Care bears?! My eyes widened partnered with my smile that is wide, she was holding a real bouquet of care bears.

"Is that for me?" I asked her as I pointed out the bouquet.

"Hmm yes, it's for you and will be just for you." She smiled after saying that.

She gave me the bouquet and the moment she gave me it I took out my phone and took a picture of the bouquet, I wanted to include Michelle on the picture so I covered her face with bouquet and took a picture of the bouquet again but this time with Michelle. I posted the picture of the bouquet and Michelle's face being covered on my Instagram story and then turned off my phone.

I putted the bouquet on the table and stood up, ready to give Michelle a hug.

"Thank you love!" I hugged her tightly, embracing her warm hug.

We stood there for a couple of minutes before separating, she gave me a kiss on my forehead before scrunching her nose looking like a cute baby, a super cute baby.

"Did you eat already?" she asked me.

"Not yet, why? Are you going to cook?" I scrunched my nose too.

"Hmm yes, what do you want me to cook? The available ingredients here in your house only." She reminded me.

"I want avocado sandwich and an egg with rice. I'm on my diet po eh." I never forgot the word 'po' as a sign of respect in tagalog.

"Hmm is that it? You don't want to eat something else? I'm going to cook your favorite food sana, but I guess you don't want it so okay." What the hell is sana?


"Mich, what did nini and our other friends say about us doing golf later night?" I asked the girl laying on my bed beside me.

"They all agreed, nini, sansan, riri, mama, sam, fab and papao's flight will be on Saturday so we still all have time." Saturday huh.

"You will not go with them?" She shook her head.

"My house there is not ready yet, I decided to renovate it and it might take some time to be finished so for awhile, I'll be here with you.." Oh?

"With my care bear." I smiled.

"Really? Why did you decided to renovate it? The last time I visited your house in Makati Philippines it was nice simple, what made you decide to do a renovation?" I ask her.

"I wanted to make it big so that my future family and I will not need to buy a new house, I want me and my future family to live in my house. I want to live with you and our future family, Anntonia." I raised my eyebrow because of what Michelle said.

"I want to have a family with you in the future, I don't care how much it will cost if we try IVF but all I know is I want to have a family with you, just you no other girl or boy." As she said those words she hugged me by my waist.

Her head was placed on the side of my chest, she wanted that position and I can't do anything. She was hugging me tightly while she look at me, fully looking at each other's eyes, she smiled a little.

"I want to make love and have a family with you. You're the only girl and the only person I would want to have kids with." She pointed my nose, I smiled.

"Make love with me in the future?" I teased her, she let out a chuckle.

"I want right now, are you willing to do it right now?"

"Michelle!" I pouted while I was glaring at her.

"What? I was just asking if you're willing to do it right now... Or maybe you really want?" She stood up, pinning me on the bed.

"Michelle, my centre is still sore and my legs are still weak because of what you did last Monday!" I was trying not to laugh.

"Then I'll take care of you everyday." And then she kissed me.

Everything happen in just a blink of an eye, everything that happened to me and Michelle on my private room? We did it again but this time it has a twist that came inside of Michelle's head...

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