# Episode 3| Apocalyptic Love

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In the living room.

Skylar and Oliver are cuddling on the sofa, Kaz is also eating cereal on the sofa and Bree is reading a magazin.

"you know Bree, I think we should spend more time together!" Kaz says "why would we do such a thing!?" Bree tells him putting down her magazine "uh...yeah I don't have any answer for that" Kaz get up from the couch confused, Bree frowns.

Chase and Harper walk down the stairs holding hands and smiling at each other "good morning everyone! just to let you know that Harper and I are dating again!" Chase says excited.

"We noticed!" Skylar says "Holding hands makes it very apparent" Bree says.

"But come to think of it, I never broke up with you, technically" Harper says "But you left Chase in pieces like you did" Kaz laughs "Okay, let's say we were on a break while Glitch was in control" Chase says "But you cried all night like you broke up and..." Kaz laughs "We were on a break!! That's it!" Chase says irritated

"Anyway... I hope that, like Chase, you also forgive any damage I have done in Glitch mode" Harper says "Harper, we've been through this, it's okay, it wasn't you" Skylar says.

"thanks, but I still feel bad, especially having the chance of her showing up at any time" Harper says "relax sweetheart we'll work on it" Chase says.

"And if Glitch gets out of hand I'll be here to calm her down since she loves me" Kaz smiles "back off Kaz!" Harper says irritably " 'kay! U still not friendly I got it" Kaz says.

"You know who would get along with Glitch?" Bree smiles "who?" Harper says "Spike they have the same psycho vibe" Bree chuckkes.

Harper and Chase look at each other "oh my that would be a disaster!" Chase laughs "Glitch and Spike!? No! it would mean the end...The end of the world" Harper says.

"who's Spike?" Oliver says "He's not that different from Glitch, it's how we call the personality that Chase embodies when his commando app is activated" Bree says.

"yeah, It was designed to be a defense mechanism against any threat" Chase says "Uhg I hate him" Harper says "Hey!" Chase says.

"Do you happen to like Glitch?" Harper says "yeah you got a point" Chase says.

"Why do you hate him?" Skylar ask "he is immoral, arrogant, conceited, violent...I can go on a long list of reasons" Harper says.

"in short everything Chase is not" Bree says "how cute you two have alternate personalities that match!" Oliver says "sure It's a dream" Harper says sarcastically.

"yeah but we all agree that Spike and Glitch can't meet" Chase says "aw I would kinda like to see that apocalyptic encounter" Kaz says.

"I assume if they met they would kill each other more than get along actually" Harper says.

"Are they really that bad?" Skylar says "yeah!" Harper and Chase say "You guys are just making me want to see this more and more" Kaz chuclkes.


In Mission Command.

Harper and Chase are on the center console trying to find a way to disable the Glitch.

"Uhg she's too complex!" Harper says "well you're complex so...relax we'll figure it out but for it to work I need you to put this on" Chase puts a shock collar around Harper's neck.

Harper looks in the mirror "wow sweetheart, it's not the prettiest piece of jewelry you've ever given me but..." Harper says sarcastically.

"I need you to activate the Glitch mode" Chase says "what? No way!" Harper says.

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