# Episode 16| Kaz's girlfriend

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In the penthouse, Bree, Kaz, Harper and Chase are playing cards in the living room.

They hear Oliver and Skylar arguing upstairs, Leo comes downstairs.

"Wow, are you listening to this?" Leo says "yup" Chase says "what's going on there?" Bree asks "Oliver and Skylar are having their first fight since they started dating" Harper says.

Chase chuckles "Remember our first fight?" Chase smiles "do you really want to remember that?" Harper frowns, Chase thinks "yes you're right" Chase takes a glass of water.

"Oh at least my girlfriend and I don't need to worry about that, we're in the best moment of our relationship, the beginning" Kaz smirk "girlfriend?" Leo sits on the sofa.

"speaking of which, when are we going to meet your mystery girlfriend" Harper says "if she even exists" Chase laughs "You're going to meet her soon, I invited her to come here tomorrow" Kaz says.

"how did you meet this girl again?" Bree asks messing with the cards to hide her discomfort.

"Uh, I was buying hot dogs and her car broke down nearby and like a hero and gentleman I went and helped her fix it" Kaz says "And do you know how to fix a car?" Harper says.

"No, but I pretended it couldn't be fixed and while we waited for a tow truck we had a coffee and she gave me her number" Kaz smirk, Bree rolls her eyes.

"Good one Kaz! I didn't know you were a ladiesman" Leo says "that's because he's not!" Bree says slightly irritated.

"you're jealous" Kaz says "what! What me...why no of course not, why would I be jealous of you!?" Bree says laughing nervously,"because I have a girlfriend and you don't" Kaz smirk "Oh! No that's ridiculous" Bree says going to the kitchen.

"seriously, was it that easy?" Chase says putting his arm around Harper "It was that easy!" Kaz smiles "Oh no, I don't fall for that, there must be something wrong with this girl" Harper says "I hope so" Bree says to herself making tea in the kitchen.

"What kind of bet do you think she lost?" Harper asks Chase, he laughs "is it so hard for you to believe that I managed to pick up a girl that easily!?" Kaz asks.

Everyone looks at each other "Yes!" everyone says, except Bree "tell me how much did you pay her?" Leo says, Harper and Chase laugh and Kaz rolls his eyes.

"Can you guys stop?" Kaz says "Yeah guys, it's not that hard to believe that Kaz picked up a girl, I mean who wouldn...Uh, I mean Chase got what's stopping Kaz from getting it" Bree changes her line, she was going to say who wouldn't want to be with Kaz.

"Oh thanks Bree" Kaz smiles "yeah thanks Bree" Chase says offended, Harper lay her head on his shoulder "You're going to like her, she's perfect!" Kaz says "Okay we got it!" Bree says impatiently.

Oliver comes down the stairs irritated, everyone looks at him, his furious expression changes to a smile "it was our first fight!" Oliver smiles.

"we heard" Leo says "But are you two okay?" Bree asks "oh yes it was just a silly fight then we'll make up" Oliver says "good" Bree says.

She and Harper get up and start setting the table "Are you ok Bree?" Harper asks "yes, why?" Bree says "you seem uncomfortable" Harper says "it's nothing" Bree says.

They go to the kitchen "what about your date last night huh!?" Harper asks "I canceled" Bree says "canceled? Why?" Harper asks "I wasn't really into it" Bree says.

"but you seemed interested in this guy" Harper says "I was, but I thought it wouldn't be fair to go out with him and spend the whole time thinking about someone else" Bree says.

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