# Episode 10| Meanwhile in a Parallel Universe (part 1)

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At the penthouse.

Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo and Harper enter the room.

"It was so cool to hang out the five of us again, like old times!" Leo says "I missed it so much" Harper says.

"Yeah, I barely remember when was the last time we all went to the movies together" Bree sits on the couch "it's been a long time, because it was when Harper and Chase were dating behind the scenes from us" Adam says.

"How do you remember that then?" Chase says "because I remember she let you touch her hand, and when I tried she threatened to stick popcorn kernels up my nose" Adam says, Harper laughs "yeah I remember that" Harper says.

"um why did you try to take her hand?" Chase says slightly uncomfortable "Relax, I just wanted to test because I was already suspicious about you" Adam says.

"you know this movie today about parallel universes with different possibilities, it left me thinking what would have happened if Harper had agreed to date with Adam" Bree chuckles "Eeeww!!" Harper and Adam say with disgust.

"that would never work" Adam says "yup not even in a parallel universe" Harper says.

"Well I think it was clear from the first moment that Harper would be the perfect girl for ME" Chase says hugging Harper "yup I already had a crush on Chase before everything so" Harper says.

"Uhg now more than ever I wouldn't date Harper because it would be the same as dating Chase" Adam says, Chase makes a disgusted face.

"That's enough, Chase and I are made for each other no metter what right sweetheart?" Harper smiles "yes, I love you in every universe" Chase says and kisses her.

"You know I've already traveled to another universe" Leo says "Ahg!" Adam, Bree and Chase roll their eyes.

"wait what?" Harper says "It's just a story that Leo insists happened but it was just his fertile imagination" Bree says "It wasn't, it was real!" Leo says.

"really!?" Harper smiles "yeah!" Leo says "and what was this parallel universe like?" Harper says.

"Well firstly I was bionic, the only bionic, because my mother was a billionaire and a technology genius and Big D was her employee Chase was an annoying jock, Bree was a stuck-up rich mall addict, and Adam was an introspective and philosophical poet" Leo says.

"Chase a jock!? That's really what you only see in a parallel universe and I'm not even going to say anything about the philosophical Adam" Harper laughs.

"Leo, this could just be a dream of yours" Chase says "Yeah I've had dreams where you were a jock" Harper bites her lip, Chase frowns.

"did you?" Chase says, Harper smiles "yeah! That's not such a bad style on you" Harper says.

"I can't believe you still think it was my delusion" Leo says irritated "Sounds interesting, what would I be like in this universe?" Harper says "a twisted and bizarre version just like the rest of us" Bree laughs.

"I'm not going back there to find out" Leo says "because there's no way to go back to a place you've never been" Chase laughs

"come to think of it, you guys aren't that different from the Handersons" Leo says irritated, everyone frowns in confusion "wait Who?" Adam ask.


Meanwhile in another universe

Adam, Bree and Chase Handerson They recently graduated from Mission Creek High School, and now they are in college living the life of normal teenagers, Adam studies literature, Bree studies fashion, and Chase is captain of the college football team.

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