# Episode 1| The Rematch (part 1)

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Rodissius and Reese take Glitch to one of his hideouts at the old train station, he gathers all thirteen of his children together for an announcement.

He's still weak from Bree shooting him with her powers Reese helps him.

"Are you saying this space rock can bring my powers back?" Rodissius ask "No, but it can give you new and stronger powers" Glitch says.

"So...where is this Arcturion?" Rodissius asks "In the Davenport's so called facility Y, protected with high security" Glitch says.

Rodissius stands up "Daughter where's the list!?" Rodissius says, Resse opens the superhero list file "right here" Reese says, Rodissius look at the list.

"What's the plan?" Glitch ask "While my children start attacking the superheroes, you, Romam and Ricker go after the Elite Force, and make sure it's the last time...give me the location of the facility and i'll take care of the rest" Rodissius says.

"as you wish!" Glitch says, Rodissius smiles "My children, here is the list! Go after all these superheroes and destroy them, once they are all together with the elite force, defeated...No one will oppose us!" Rodissius says they all celebrate and start going after the superheroes.

"Go my children Go!" Rodissius says, Reese looks at Glitch and smiles, she does the same and they watch the shape-shifters come out of hiding.


Meanwhile Bree, Skylar, Kaz and Oliver go out into the streets looking for Reese and Harper.

"They're all gone, where did they go?" Oliver says "By now they probably know where all the superheroes are and they're after them" Skylar says.

"And Harper is also gone, I couldn't track her chip" Bree says "What did she say before leaving? She said she wanted..." Skylar says "VIP access to chaos" I think the answer is pretty obvious!" Oliver says.

"uh...she was going to look for a VIP ticket to a concert by a band called Chaos!" Kaz says "No, she was going to go after Rodissius to join him!" Bree says.

"how are you so sure!?" Oliver says "because it's the exact opposite of what Harper would do" Skylar says.

"wait Roman and Ricker had a stash at the old train station!" Kaz says "Do you think they're there?" Oliver says "if they're not there they could be close" Kaz says.

"yeah but what about superheroes! Roman and Ricker were very strong and according to Rodissius...""Rod!" Oliver interrupts Skylar, she glares at him.

"sure Rod, he said they were the cool ones, I don't want to think what the rest of them are capable of" Skylar says, everyone thinks.

"I hate to say this, but I think the search for Harper will have to wait" Oliver says "What? No! We have to find her!" Kaz says.

"Kaz, she will join them, they won't do anything to her if she's with them but the other superheroes are in danger" Oliver says "he's right, we have time to find her" Bree says.

"Come on, we need to go to the train station and see if we can find clues" Skylar says "you guys go! I'm going after Harper" Kaz says, everyone looks at each other.

"okay, watch out!" Oliver says, he Skylar and Bree go to one side, Kaz goes to the other.


In Mission Command, Chase looks at the cyber desk when Perry walks.

"how is he?" Chase ask worried "Doctors have never seen a situation like his, but I'm not surprised they seem pretty stupid...But he's holding on but we don't know for how long" Perry says, Chase sighs.

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