# Episode 7| Back to the Island (Part 1)

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In Mission Command, Harper is training Grace.

The two are fighting while Douglas watches Grace's progress, Grace manages to knock Harper to the ground, Grace holds her to the ground, Harper rolls her eyes.

"Wow very good Grace, quick and agile reflexes, I'm impressed" Douglas says.

"How many more times do I need to knock Harper to the ground for me to be part of the Elite Force?" Grace says, Harper recovers and trips Grace.

"When I can't take you down like that anymore" Harper says, Grace rolls her eyes and Harper grabs a bottle of water from the console

"Relax, your progress won't take long" Douglas says "really!?" Grace says excitedly "You are a great learner!" Harper says "thank you!" Grace says.

Chase enters via HyperLift "Douglas have you spoken to Mr Davenport?" Chase asks looking at his cell phone and calling the central cyber desk

"No why?" Douglas asks "I'm receiving a signal from the island, he's there, isn't he?" Chase aks "yes" Douglas says.

"What kind of signal?" Harper asks "and what kind of island?" Grace says.

"the bionic Island where all the other bionic soldiers are is where they train and carry out missions" Harper says "Uh so there are more of you?" Grace asks.

"Yes many others..." Chase opens a message "What is this?" Douglas asks "a message saying that there is a situation on the island and that they need us" Chase says.

"I thought Adam and Leo were handling everything" Harper says "If they need our help it must be serious" Chase says.

"Why didn't they call or send us a normal message? Why did they use the island's communication system?" Harper says "I don't know" Chase says.

"It's strange something must be wrong" Douglas says "they're probably worried the message will be traced" Harper says.

"it's a possibility...There's only one way to be sure, let's have a team meeting..." Chase sayd.

Wait, Are you saying that..." Harper says "We're going back to the bionic island" Chase smiles "Oh Yes!!" Harper says excitedly.

" Harper says "We're going back to the bionic island" Chase smiles "Oh Yes!!" Harper says excitedly

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"can I go?" Grace asks "No" Harper and Chase say "it was worth a try" Grace says.


On the bionic island.

The Elite Force exits the Hydraloop, they look around, now all the bionic soldiers no longer wear student uniforms but mission suits.

"Woah I never thought I'd say this but I really missed this place" Bree says "yeah me too" Chase says.

"I understand why this place is amazing" Kaz says "wow look at all these bionic heros" Harper says.

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