# Episode 6| The Siren's song

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In the living room, Bree and Skylar are watching a romance movie while Harper reads a book next to them on the couch.

Bree and Skylar are thrilled with the movie "Aw they are such a great couple he can't die in the end!" Bree says in a crying tone "No, don't give up on her!" Skylar says in the same tone, both attacking a box of sweets.

Harper puts her hand in front of her mouth, avoiding sob "Why are you crying? You're not even watching the movie!" Bree says "this book....it's so sad" Harper says.

Skylar frowns and looks at the book cover "It's a physics book" Skylar says "I know, but just because the electron has a lighter mass than a proton, for example, they call it negligible!.. It's so rude, Just call it light not negligible!...poor guy" Harper sobs she grabs a whipped cream.

"oh electron you're so
misunderstood!" Harper says squeezing the whipped cream in her mouth, Bree and Skylar look at her confused

"What? I'm emotional today!" Harper says, Bree and Skylar agree.

"Hang in there Nerdy...i mean Bestie!" Bree says, Harper rolls her eyes.

Grace walks in jumping snd smiling "taking about emotional people Grace is here!" Skylar says "I wonder if your cheeks don't hurt from smiling so much all the time" Harper says.

"No, because I have a lot of reasons to be excited today, I have the perfect boyfriend and a costume party to go to, everything is falling into place!!" Grace says excitedly.

"What party?" Harper says "The Centium City Halloween Festival! Every halloween there is a big party in the central park and a costume competition" Grace says.

"Are you and Drew going to participate?" Skylar asks "Yeah! my dream has always been to go to a party like that, in couples' costumes! And I'll finally be able to do this" Grace says.

"Ooh I liked that! I also always wanted to go to a party with a costume that matched Chase's" Harper says "Oh that's cool, maybe Oliver and I can go" Skylar says excitedly "Oh that would be amazing!" Grace says excitedly.

"Cool and I can go with my boyfriend his name is Non...Non-existent" Bree says frustrated "Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend! And why didn't you tell me he was French!" Grace says, Bree frowns.

"I don't have a boyfriend, if it wasn't clear to you I'm the ONLY one here who doesn't have a boyfriend!" Bree says "if Non isn't real, yes it's true" Grace says.

"Bree relax, you're not the only single person in the house" Harper says "yes Kaz is single too" Skylar says.

"seriously comparing me to Kaz? As if being single wasn't bad enough!" Bree says "Being single isn't so bad" Harper says.

"oh really? And who are you to say, you've been with Chase for so long that you probably don't even remember the feeling" Bree says.

"I remember, sometimes I even miss it" Harper says "Really?" Bree aks "of course not I was a relationship disaster!" Harper says.

"Bree never stop dreaming, I haven't and look at me now dating a prince!" Grace says "Grace just because he works at the Castle fashion studio doesn't mean he's a prince" Harper says "Have you seen him? He's a prince" Grace says, Harper rolls her eyes.

"But Grace is right, Bree, maybe it's not the right time yet or maybe you've already met your guy but haven't realized it yet" Skylar says "yeah! What if one of my ex boyfriends is the right guy, like Ethan!" Bree says "Or Non!" Grace says.

"I don't think that's what Skylar meant" Harper says "I already texted him too late" Bree says showing her cell phone.

"Oh in that case you don't sound desperate at all" Harper says sarcastically and Bree smiles.

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