# Episode 5| Newton's laws

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In the penthouse, Douglas and Finn exit the HyperLift.

"So why did you think about spending the day here kid?" Douglas asks "it would have been so much cooler if you let me help you" Finn says, Douglas laughs.

"Look, maybe I can think of a project for us to do, what do you and I think?" Douglas says "Cool!" Finn smiles.

"so...is your mom coming to get you?" Douglas scratches the back of his head "why? are you into her?" Finn says, Douglas' eyes widen "I'm kidding!" Finn laughs "oh!" Douglas laughs nervously.

"good one boy" Douglas laughs "If you liked her, you wouldn't have a chance" Finn laughs "What?" Douglas says.

"you're not her type, man" Finn continues laughing "oh Great because she's not my type either" Douglas says.

"And yes, she's going to come get me in a little while I have class today" Finn says.

Harper comes out of the terrace with a box "hi Harper, why is it in the box?" Finn ask "hi kid, oh this Is.... nothing important" Harper says.

"What are you going to do with this?" Douglas asks "I can't leave this in the rain, maybe I'll leave it under the bed or something..." Harper says going to the stairs.

"But, don't anyone tell Chase about the existence of this box" Harper says "why not?" Finn asks "Is it something he won't like?" Douglas says, Harper looks at the box.

"it must be something fun" Douglas laughs, Harper glares at him "It's just something that might make him freak out" Harper says.

"what doesn't make Chase freak out?" Douglas chuckles "Yeah right" Harper says.

"So...are there explosives in that box?" Douglas says "no" Harper says "Is this something I should be worried about?" Douglas points to the box "No" Harper says "then I don't care, have fun hiding it from Chase" Douglas says, Harper leaves.


Someone knocks on the door, Finn opens the door.

"Hi baby!" Melody hugs him "Hi!" Douglas smiles, Finn and Melody look at him frowning "I was talking to my son.."Melody says "oh yes I just said hi, in bad timing" Douglas scratches the back of his head.

"I'm kidding you" Melody laughs softly "oh! You have the same sense of humor as your son" Douglas laughs nervously.

"hello Douglas" Melody smiles "hi Melody" Douglas greets her "Did Finn behave well?" Melody asks.

"yes, he's a great kid, I'm actually thinking of a project for us to work on together!" Douglas says "I can't wait Doug" Finn says "You have no idea how much he loves being here with you" Melody says

"we love him here, and we would even like it if you spent more time here too" Douglas smiles, Melody tilts her head "aw I would love to,but I have a lot of work at college this week and besides we have a science fair at Finn's school this weekend" Melody says.

"we love him here, and we would even like it if you spent more time here too" Douglas smiles, Melody tilts her head "aw I would love to,but I have a lot of work at college this week and besides we have a science fair at Finn's school this weekend"...

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