# Episode 24| Chip C.2γ

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Years before, In 2012, Harper was starting her job as a waitress at Rock Cafe at age 15.

She was serving some tables, she couldn't help but overhear some guys talking at one of the tables.

"Man you know that guy, the billionaire businessman Donald Davenport?" One of the guys says, Harper approaches their table with the order.

"Yes! I heard he recently got married, he even has a step-son and stuff" the other says, Harper serves them but paying attention to the conversation.

"Yes, she's that clumsy reporter who did that report about that runaway train yesterday, her name is Tasha Davenport" the guy says "Seriously, no way!" The other guy says.

"How did that train stop by the way!?" Harper asks, the guys look at her "okay, not for new friends, got it!" Harper says sarcastically and leaves quickly.

Harper goes to her boss, Mr Franklin to get the payment, she looks at her watch.

"I need to go sir" Harper says "Oh, who keeps your schedule now!? And if I don't want you to leave" Franklin says.

"It's just that...My dad is going to be worried" Harper scratches the back of her head.

"Oh daddy, he's going to be sad, I feel sorry for you, I'm getting in the way of your perfect daddy's girl life" Franklin pretends to be sorry, Harper looks at him with hatred.

"you have no idea what you're talking about" Harper says firmly.

"I don't even know why you waste your time here instead of being at school, aren't you too young to be a waitress?" Franklin says "and aren't you too old to stick your nose in other people's lives!?" Harper says irritated.

"Take this envelope and get out of here!!" Mr Franklin hands over the envelope and Harper leaves.


Harper had her routine perfectly timed so that her sisters and Krane rarely noticed she was out, but on this day Franklin made her late.

But before heading home, Harper stopped by the library, where she stole a book every week, she would go in there and discreetly take out a book and put back the book she stole the previous week in its place, and go out the window avoiding the cameras.

When Harper gets close to the house Lara opens the door and pulls her inside.

"do you want to die!?" Lara asks "what?" Harper says "where were you, he wants to evaluate us today, you idiot!" Lara says.

"I'm sorry...""There's no time to explain, put on your suit and go!!" Lara pushes Harper, who takes a deep breath and goes to a staircase.

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