# Episode 12| I Don't Mind the Shadows

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Adam is in the living room watching TV when Grace comes out of the HyperLift, she looks exhausted.

"Is everything ok Grae?" Adam asks, Grace approaches the sofa and throws herself on it "it feels like I'm dying, I'm feeling pain in places I didn't know it was possible to feel pain" Grace says looking at her feet.

"Well, training for missions is difficult and you're not bionic so it must be even worse" Adam says "But it's worth it" Grace says, leaning her head back to look at Adam who is sitting next to her.

"I like your optimism, Smiley face" Adam says with a smile "Smiley what?" Grace sits on the couch "It's just that I've never seen you without smiling or happy, you look like that emoji that smiles, you know, smiley face" Adam smiles

"I don't smile all the time" Grace says she hits his arm laughing gently "oh yeah? Try not smiling for 2 minutes" Adam says "It's not fair, that's an eternity!" Grace says, Adam smiles at her.

"No, 5 minutes is an eternity, except when you want to sleep more" Adam says, Grace sighs "are you going to start calling me that now?" Grace says.

"did you like it?" Adam says "Uh..i don't know" Grace says "it doesn't matter now it caught" Adam says looking back at the TV, Grace gasps with a smile looking at him.

"You're smiling, you lost the challenge" Adam says without looking at her looking at the TV "You're so stupid!" Grace laughs shaking her head and heading to the kitchen, Adam laughs to himself

Harper slowly opens the door "Oh! Hi!..I didn't think there would be people here now" Harper says nervously.

"Hey, Harper, what were you doing outside at this time, Chase already went up stairs to go to sleep, I thought you were with him" Adam says "I was..." Harper says she ake off the hood she was wearing.

"where were you?" Grace says "I had to leave quickly" Harper says going to the stairs "for what?" Adam asks "I went to the... pharmacy" Harper says seems like an excuse.

"pharmacy, are you okay? Are you sick?" Adam asks worried "No, I'm fine" Harper says "so why did you go to the pharmacy?" Adam ask, Harper rolls her eyes at so many questions.

"It's a girl thing okay" Harper says "but it's not your period" Grace questions, Harper frowns "how do you know that!?" Harper says "I didn't know but you just proved it" Grace chuckles, Adam makes a disgusted face.

"I didn't prove anything... I just, stop asking questions, it doesn't matter why I went out or went to the pharmacy or whatever" Harper says.

"If you went to the pharmacy, why don't I see a bag?" Adam says, Harper frowns "who are you? Sherlock Holmes?" Harper says irritated.

"maybe she didn't want us to see what she bought" Grace approaches Adam, Harper shakes her head, Adam think and gasp "Oh my god you went to buy a pregnancy test!" Adam says "What!?" Harper says.

"you're pregnant!?" Grace says excitedly "Of course not!" Harper says.

"Congratulations!" Grace says excitedly "NO! I didn't go to the pharmacy, okay, I just went out to clear my head!" Harper says.

"Clear your head about how you're going to raise a child who doesn't turn out like Chase?" Adam says "Adam!" Harper says irritated "that would be cute!" Grace says to Adam.

"i gonna be an uncle" Adam says, Harper rolls her eyes "You're not going to be an uncle!" Harper says.

"So who's going to teach the little guy how to play sports!?" Adam says "Or the little girl putting on makeup!? You and Chase can't do either!" Grace says, Adam slightly agrees.

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