# Episode 14| Cake by The Ocean

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Harper and Adam are in the kitchen, Harper is sitting at the counter with Newton on her lap while she reads a book.

Suddenly Adam turns on a blender, Newton gets scared and Harper hugs the cat for him to calm down.

"Adam!!" Harper says, Adam doesn't hear because of the blender "Adam!!" Harper says, he doesn't hear, she rolls her eyes and uses energy manipulation to turn off the blender.

"Hey, it was almost good...i guess" Adam says "What are you doing?" Harper says "I'm putting fries in the blender to see what happens" Adam says, Harper frowns.

"they'll turn into mashed potatoes, just a guess" Harper says sarcastically "don't be silly, mashed potatoes are made with regular potatoes these are fries!" Adam says, Harper intends surprise "yes really, it's completely different...And I think you've played enough in the kitchen for today!" Harper says pulling out the blender.

Kaz walks in holding a cell phone "so Kaz wants some super greasy mashed potatoes?" Harper smiles sarcastically "Uh...sure!" Kaz chuckles.

"Who were you talking to?" Adam ask "So about that, do you guys have plans for the weekend?" Kaz ask "I feel like you already have something planned for us to do so..." Harper says.

"Yeah, my aunt called and she lives at the beach, as she will need to travel she asked if I wanted to take you there and look after the house!" Kaz says "Cool!" Adam says

"so your aunt who lives at the beach let you take a bunch of crazy teenagers she dosen't even know to her house for the weekend?" Harper questions "Exactly that" Kaz says "Oh, I don't know who this woman is, but I already love her" Harper chuckles.

Bree walks in, Kaz runs up to her "uh hey Bree, do you want to go to the beach this weekend? My aunt offered us her house" Kaz asks "really? That would be great I need a vacation!" Bree says excitedly.

Chase and Grace exit the HyperLift Skylar follows them hugging Oliver who is using his hand's ice powers on his own face,to cure the black eye.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Bree ask "Grace got carried away at training today and punched Oliver in the face" Chase says.

"Hey, don't talk like that, you're belittling my work...I got carried away in training and kicked Oliver in the face!" Grace says "Ha, she's right, that's much more impressive!" Adam chuckles.

"It's not funny guys!... Skylar tell them" Oliver says "I would but the fact that they saw you crying won't help" Skylar says "I would look at you the wrong way but first I need to make sure that my eye will work again" Oliver says, Skylar hugs him for comfort.

"It's good to get some sunglasses then, friend, because we're going to the beach" Kaz says putting his hand on his shoulder.

"What?" Chase aks "let's go to the beach at Kaz's aunt's house" Harper approaches, Newton climbs on the table and goes to Adam.

"Uh I don't know if it's good we have to work on that mission and..." "uhg here it comes!" Bree rolls her eyes "If he goes to the beach can we use him as shark bait?" Adam ask.

"Come on Chase, I want to go and I want you to be there" Harper hugs him "yes man you really need some sun" Kaz says.

"what do you mean by that?" Chase asks "You spend so much time at Mission Command that you're getting paler and weirder every day" Kaz says, Chase glares at him.

"yeah Chase, why not be a tanned weirdo!" Bree chuckles, Kaz smiles at her "Okay, it'll be cool" Chase says, Harper kisses his cheek.

Leo walks in "Hey Leo, let's go to the beach!?" Chase says "Oh I wanted to but I planned to spend the weekend with Janelle, she's coming here, and it's our anniversary" Leo smiles excitedly.

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