# Episode 22| Maximum Speed

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On the street in front of the tower Mr Davenport takes Leo, Adam, Chase and Kaz to a covered car.

"So big D what surprise gift did you say you had?" Leo says, Mr Davenport gives Leo keys "This!" Mr Davenport says.

He takes the cloth off a red car "Oh cool!" Adam says "woah that's amazing!" Kaz says.

"Are you giving me a car!!?" Leo asks "Happy early birthday Leo!" Mr Davenport says "wait a minute, why didn't I ever get a car for my birthday?" Chase says.

"Uh... You don't even have a driver's license" Mr Davenport says "oh and Leo has?" Chase says "soon" Leo says, Chase rolls his eyes.

"My old car, This car is very special, it is the last car with an intelligent system that is not automatic that I created so it is unique" Mr Davenport says.

"Oh so if Chase wants one like it, he won't get it" Kaz chuckles, Chase glares at him "No offense Chase but you don't seem like the car type of person" Adam says.

"what do you mean by that?" Chase asks "I don't know, I don't imagine you with a car, I imagine you more with a bicycle or a scooter... even a unicycle!" Adam says, Chase looks at him frustrated.

"Why did I drive a unicycle?" Chase says "I don't know, it suits you, they're half a bike just like you're half a man" Adam says.

"What I'm saying Leo, is that I want you to take very good care of this car, it's the last of its model and carries a lot of memories, it was the car I used when I married your mother" Mr Davenport says.

"Yes, it was that car that made me question her if she was really marrying you for love..." Leo says, Mr Davenport looks at him irritated "until today she never gave me a concrete answer" Leo says.

"Just get in the car!" Mr Davenport opens the door, Leo sits in the driver's seat "wow leather seats" Leo says, Kaz looks at the passenger seats "Look at the sunroof" Kaz says.

"Can I take it for a ride?" Leo asks "Okay, but only because I'm here, while you don't have a license I don't want you driving around alone" Mr Davenport "Got It" Leo says.

Adam, Kaz and Chase get in the car and Mr Davenport sits in the front seat next to Leo and they go for a drive in the car.


Meanwhile in the penthouse Oliver and Skylar are watching a movie when Finn walks in.

"Hey Finn" Oliver says "Hey man...hi Skylar" Finn smiles "hi Finn how are you?" Skylar says "much better now" Finn says dropping his backpack, Oliver frowns.

"what are you guys doing?" Finn ask "Watching a movie, want to join us?" Skylar asks "of course!" Finn sits next to her and Oliver look at him suspiciously.

Finn looks at Skylar several times during the film, he twitches his fingers and taps his foot on the floor looking nervous, Skylar puts her hair in a ponytail, Finn takes a deep breath.

"you should tie your hair like that more often" Finn says quietly "what?" Skylar ask "I think... it shows more of your face and... you look beautiful like that" Finn says, the boy's face blushes.

"Aw thank you" Skylar smiles delicately "oh I like you like that too, in fact you are perfect in every way" Oliver says "Thank you Oliver" Skylar takes his hand seeing how jealous he is.

"Well, I'll be right back...behave" Skylar says leaving "We'll be waiting" Oliver smiles, when Skylar leaves and he approaches Finn.

"What do you think you're doing brat?" Oliver says "What?" Finn asks "You were hitting on my girlfriend!" Oliver says "No!" Finn says.

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