# Episode 17| Bam! Marcus...Marcus!?

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Douglas is at Mission Command with several pieces on top of the central cyber desk.

Harper enters via HyperLift "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Harper asks "I have a project, it could be very useful in missions and in security if done correctly" Douglas says.

"That's great, what is it?" Harper says "Uh... Before I tell you, I need you to keep an open mind" Douglas says "I have an open mind!" Harper says.

"Crazy and an open mind are two different things girl" Douglas says "I feel like both can apply here" Harper says.

"Maybe, I called you here because I know that if you help me, everything will be under control... and that if it isn't, it won't be my fault alone" Douglas says.

"What is itDouglas?" Harper asks "I need you to help me rebuild Marcus" Douglas says, Harper tilts his head and a few seconds later he starts laughing.

"Ah, good joke! It didn't sound stupid at all" Harper laughs "I'm serious!" Douglas says "Douglas, haven't we already had this conversation?" Harper says "not with this project!" Douglas shows the project.

Harper looks at him "It's not Marcus, I mean, not the same project, I redid everything from scratch, it's another Android completely independent of the original Marcus with completely new programming!" Douglas says.

"If it's another Android, why are you going to call him Marcus then?" Harper says "Because his facial structure will be the same... I'm not very creative in this part, but this is Marcus 2.0" Douglas smiles.

"Oh I don't know Douglas" Harper says "come on Harper!" Douglas says.

"He won't have anything like the old Marcus, and if you help me program him with a limited hardrive we can have full control of him and make him just a security assistant android" Douglas says, Harper sighs.

"what do we need an Android for?" Harper asks "I have been working to make it more resistant and as indestructible as possible, being programmed to protect you from greater threats,like a bodyguard" Douglas says.

"We don't need that" Harper says "are you sure?" Douglas points to her arm, Harper's arm has recovered from the burns caused by Sebastian's powers, but there are still light scars, which is impressive given the fact that the burn was of a high degree, but she constantly says that her arm doesn't feel like it used to.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Harper says, crossing his arms "Okay, but what about me, what about Donny and anyone who doesn't have bionics or super powers related to Elite Force operations?" Douglas says, Harper sighs.

"But you can't tell the rest of the team" Douglas says "but you said he won't have any relation to the old Marcus!?" Harper says.

"and he doesn't but it will be much more complicated to explain this to them than explain to you, the scars that Marcus left on them are much more complex, I want to show them the final product only so they will understand" Douglas says, Harper thinks.

"So will you be my partner in this project?...daughter?" Douglas says "Oh don't push it" Harper says "okay my bad" Douglas says.

"so?" Douglas asks, Harper rolls her eyes "Ok... let's rebuild him, where are his eyebrows?" Harper says going to the cyber desk.


Chase and Adam are at the coffee table on the terrace.

Adam suddenly laughs at something and Chase looks at him confused "What does that mean?" Chase asks "Oh nothing, I just remembered something Grace said to me, it was really funny but you wouldn't understand" Adam says.

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