# Episode 2| The Rematch (part 2)

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Chase, Harper, and Kaz make their way to Facility Y with the device.

"They're Here!" Harper says "How are we going to activate the device?" Kaz asks "We need to lock them in there and activate the device!" Harper says.

"okay, I'll go over there and activate the device you guys make sure the superheroes get out of there and that no shape-shifters escape" Chase says

Harper and Kaz nod and go inside and find all the superheroes fighting the shape-shifters, Along with Oliver and Skylar.

"Hey!" Harper says, they see her "Harper!" Skylar says excitedly and runs to her and hugs her "Harper" Oliver smiles "We need to get them all out of here now!" Kaz says.

"How did they find out the location of this place!?" Harper ask, Skylar and Oliver look at her seriously "because of Glitch, she told Rodissius the location and told her everything about Arcturion" Skylar says.

Kaz looks at Harper irritated, she looks frustrated "somebody got a mirror over there so I can cuss at Glitch" Harper says.

"okay let's get everyone out of here....EXCUSE GUYS EVERYONE OUT OKAY!" Oliver says, The superheroes ignore him "Hey come on! Everybody out!" Oliver says, they ignore him.

"Wow you have no morals" Kaz laughs "Everyone out now!!" Skylar says, Harper activates the doors and the superheroes start pouring out.

"hold the shape-shifters in" Chase enters with the device "where's Bree?" Kaz ask "oh no, Rodissius got her!" Skylar says "what?" Chase says "They're in Arcturion's room!" Oliver says.

"The device is installed!" Chase says, Harper closes the doors "Almost all of them in here!" Harper says "go to Arcturion's room and I'll activate the device" Chase says, Skylar, Oliver and Kaz go after Bree, Harper stays.

"you...?" "no! I'm not going anywhere" Harper smiles slightly, Chase smiles a shape-shifter walks past him, they start to crowd together "they're all crowding together" Harper says.

Chase and Harper run into the middle of the swarm the device is installed on the floor "Setting the timer, the device will activate in 5 min" Harper programs the timer, Chase removes the lens cap where the beam will be reflected.

"Okay all set!" Chase says, the swarms create a wind in the place "let's get out of here!" Chase takes Harper's hand and leads her out.

He closes the door quickly, but doesn't let go of Harper's hand, the two sigh in relief but stay close to the door to listen if the arrangement was going to work, Chase looks at Harper with his ear pressed to the door.

"okay it will activate in three..." Harper says "two" Chase says "one!" They say together looking into each other's eyes, they hear the lightning being activated.

Chase opens the door a crack, they see the shape-shifters on the floor in human form, some waking up confused "It worked!" Chase smiles "It worked!!" Harper says excitedly

The two celebrate, Chase hugs her, the two threaten to kiss but stop, looking at each other embarrassed "you did a good job" Harper says clearing his throat.

Chase holds her hand, he gives a slight smile, and kisses her hand "you too" Chase says, Harper sighs upset.

"Aw they are so cute" Roman appears "I thought you didn't like him... Glitch" Ricker says, Harper and Chase look at each other.


Skylar, Oliver and Kaz enter Arcturion's room, and Bree is trapped, while Reese tries to open Arcturion's vault.

Elite Force - Together Again (Season 2)/Chase Davenport x OC Where stories live. Discover now