# Episode 23| They Are Among Us

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Everyone is in the living room when Bree walks in.

"look guys, Mr Davenport and Tasha are having a big wedding anniversary party this weekend" Bree says.

"Yeah, I saw the invitation, it's going to a fancy party" Chase smiles "fancy, like, the boring kind?" Harper asks.

"with you there, I'm sure this party won't be boring" Chase puts his arm around her and smirks, Harper smiles shyly

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"with you there, I'm sure this party won't be boring" Chase puts his arm around her and smirks, Harper smiles shyly.

"Hey I didn't get an invite!" Adam says "Adam you're his son" Oliver says "I know that's why I'm upset!" Adam says, everyone rolls their eyes.

"So we have a party to go to this weekend, cool" Kaz says "We need dresses" Bree tells the girls "No, I already have one...What I really need is makeup" Kaz smirk, Bree looks at him holding back a smile.

"I can't believe my mother put up with Mr Davenport all these years" Leo says "I can't believe we put up with Mr Davenport until now" Skylar says.

"I mean, Tasha took an oath to put up with him but we didn't so.." Oliver says "What are we still doing putting up with him? I ask myself that every day" Harper says.

"He's your father-in-law" Chase says "Oh...yeah, damn it" Harper says frustrated.

"I also don't know how we can still put up with a guy who doesn't invite his own son to his party, I feel sorry for Tasha" Adam says, still upset, everyone groans.


Later Melody walks in the penthouse, Chase is on the computer in the room with Douglas.

"Melody hi!" Chase says "Hey Chase... Douglas" Melody says "Hey Melody" Douglas says.

"where's Harper?" Melody asks "she bought a new dress and is trying it on, she's upstairs" Chase says "Okay, thank you!" Melody goes up the stairs.

Douglas follows her with his eyes until she goes up the stairs, Chase observes Douglas's gaze.

"Uhg I can't believe I'm going to say that" Chase shakes his head and stands up "What?" Douglas says.

"invite her to go with his date to Mr Davenport's party" Chase says "Really?" Douglas says.

"yes, Harper would like her mom to be at the party too and I think it would be a great opportunity for you two to have fun" Chase says "Are you okay with this?" Douglas says.

"Of course, I realized that bothering you is silly and that I was wrong, Dr Stone deserves someone who really cares about her just like you do" Chase says, Douglas smiles.

"I'm glad to see you finally found someone amazing like her, so don't let her get away" Chase says "Wow thanks Chase, that's very mature of you" Douglas says.

"But don't get carried away with It!" Chase says "and he's back" Douglas says, Melody comes down the stairs with a smile.

"What happend?" Douglas asks "Why don't you see it for yourselves?" Melody says, Chase and Douglas go to the living room "Harper!" Melody says excitedly.

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