# Episode 25| The Fall of Force

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In the tower, the Elite Force is preparing to take the Arcturion to a deserted area on the west side of the city.

Leo is comforting Janelle on the terrace after the unexpected event at Mr Davenport's party.

Grace is getting her equipment ready and decides to get some water in the kitchen when she gets a text from Drew.

Adam walks in and sees her rolling her eyes at her phone "Is everything okay Teddy Bear?" Adam asks "Yeah, it's just...Drew and I are going through a hard time" Grace says, Adam nods as he approaches her.

"You know.." Grace sighs "you can tell me" Adam sits at the kitchen counter.

"He's nothing, nothing of what I thought he was, what I felt he was..." Grace says, "what did you thought he was?" Adam says.

"When I met him, he was perfect, he had everything I ever wanted in a guy, but I don't think he has what I need in a guy" Grace says, Adam straightens up in his chair.

"and what do you need in a guy?" Adam says "Just someone who I feel like... loves me, Drew doesn't make me feel that way, he doesn't support me at all, he cares more about work than me and when I decide to stop waiting for him and focus on myself....He says that I'm the one who's wrong, he doesn't believe me and just sees me as weak" Grace says upset.

"I got through my whole life being seen like that by my aunt, that made me feel stupid and weak and incapable of doing anything just because I see the world differently than everyone else and I want to live life my way, because that's the only way I'm happy..." Grace she says indignantly and angrily, Adam listens to her attentively.

"It's who I am, my boyfriend was supposed to be someone who helped me prove to people like my aunt that they were wrong about me, not someone else to let me down...Right?" Grace says frustratedly to Adam "yes..." Adam says.

"Not to mention that nothing ever happened to us, the things I always dreamed of like, dancing together just for the sake of it or, having the perfect kiss" Grace says.

"wait, you guys never kissed?" Adam asks "No, I mean, we've never had an incredible kiss like in the movies where you feel the passion, you know, like those scenes where the couple kisses in the moonlight, or in the rain, or even at a beautiful candlelit dinner," Grace says in a dreamy voice.

"Have you guys never done any of this?" Adam says "even if we had, it wouldn't be like I dreamed..." Grace says, Adam takes a deep breath.

"Maybe the problem for your perfect kiss isn't the place or how but...with whom" Adam says taking her hand, Grace smirk "you might be right..." Grace takes a step forward with her heart racing.

"Guys! Douglas said he and Marcus are evacuating the west side of town right now...We need to leave in a few minutes" Leo walks in, Adam and Grace nod and go to the Hyperlift


In Mission Command, everyone is gathered and with their equipment.

"Everything okay?" Chase asks as he and Harper put the Arcturion in a box "Yeah, but we didn't find our mission suits" Bree says, Chase smirk.

"About that... Check this out!" Chase presses a button on the cyber desk and in front of them the floor automatically opens revealing mannequins wearing 9 mission suits.

"Guys, I present to you the new, improved and tougher mission suits" Chase says "Cool!" Leo says going to his suit.

"After a long time we managed to develop a fiber that will contain much of the rock's energy" Harper says "But they look the same...no offense" Kaz says.

Elite Force - Together Again (Season 2)/Chase Davenport x OC Where stories live. Discover now